Hi to all,
Well I have been officially bitten with the hog hunting bug and am in a bind...do I buy the Marlin 45-70 1895 or just use my old faithful mossburg 500 slug gun? I did some research on the numbers and while the 45-70 has the edge in vel (1880 at muzzle and 1588 at 100yds, vs 1550 at muzzle and 1270 at 100yds), and a slight edge in energy (2355 and 1616 vs 2260 and 1560), the 438gr weight of the 12 gauge slug vs the 300gr weight of the 45-70 seems to balance that out. I don't plan on reloading so factory is ok with me, and both my stands on my club the max shot will be about 40-50 yds.
My thinking is that why spend the money? My mossberg has a slug barrel and a nice 4X fixed Nixon, and I am comfortable with the patterns, especially at 25 and 50 yds.
Thanks for all your thoughts, this is a great forum and I visit often. Also my hunt club is just south of Mayo FL in case any other members are close by and want to compare notes. We have two weekends during the summer we can shoot hogs, the first starting tomorrow, and my 10 yr old daughter and I are pumped with the amount of rooting at our double seat stand, we should see something tomorrow...wish us luck.