Ah yes, the Great Blue Heron, the bane of my fish pond. I started my pond about 15 years ago in preparation for the Y2K societal failures with a eye (didn't say which one) to having a readily available food source. Herons, unfortunately, must have thought the same and they do not stop shopping at the pond for dinner. My hope is that I am here when they stop by and then I can dissuade them.
I have learned they are federally protected and it is illegal to kill them. It is not illegal to chase them off. Here in nys the EnCon folk were concerned the DDT they used along the shore lines of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers might soften their egg shells and deplete the population. No such luck. They multipled like crazy. You can find them at the same parks where you find Ducks and Geese and in those places they have no fear of humans and take food thrown on the water for the Ducks and Geese; away from the parks however, they are just wild birds but they are protected.
And yes, they look and sound like Pteridoctyls (sp?). They have a very pre-historic looks to them and they make a 'gronking' sound that sounds pre-historic. But, they know enough to take the hint when you send a slug their way. Nothing like the 'whiz-pop' of a bullet streakin' past your beak and the 'slap-smack' of that slug in the water a few feet from your noggin to get them moving on and guys lemme tellya, they 'gronk' like mad when they take off after that and sound really whizzed.
I purchased some Fathead Minnows from a fish hatchery downstate, fairly near the Hudson River and the hatchery owner told me he had to cover his fish tanks with netting to keep them out of his tanks. He said that he came out to his hatchery one morning to find the Herons (aboput half a dozen) perching on the edge of his tanks or walking around in them starting to have a fine meal of Koi, Goldfish, Grass Carp and Bass. Fortunately his losses were not too great but he started protecting his tanks after that. And he felt there was nothing friendly about those birds - they were aggressive and territorial and not at all afraid of him until he picked up a stick - then they got afraid.........
However, anecdotes aside, whenever you see them flying (most likely cruising) overhead, their profile and wingspan make them look quite pre-historic. When their shadow passes by you as they fly overhead it always makes you look up.....jmtcw.