Hi folks,
I trap with Bogmaster, and we are good friends, so this reply is certainly biased, but I felt compelled to add something to the previous postings.
Honesty and integrity : I don't think I've ever been associated with anyone who holds these virtues in higher regard than Tom, often to his financial or personal disadvantage. Let me clarify. When we trap together, all game laws are followed - no exceptions. Also, I have had the opportunity to assist at Tom's booth at several different conventions over the years. He seems to know everyone by their first name, regardless of what state we're in, recalls the last time they met and the names of their children. He's a straight shooter - ask him a question about a product or method and he'll tell you how it is and what you really need, whether or not he has that particular product for sale. Also, he will not sell something to someone if he knows it will be used improperly or illegally....difficult to explain, but I have seen him turn down sales because the product or method was illegal in that state, or the individual had stated that the products were to be used in a manner inconsistent with legal or ethical behavior, etc. ... that's personal integrity. If you ask him how he feels about something, he'll tell you, without sugar-coating it.....some folks might not take that well, but personally, I appreciate that honesty. Ever order anything from him ? If you send too much money because shipping or his costs were actually less, he sends you a refund. How often do you see that from some of the bigger supply houses ? That level of personal service is certainly hard to find nowadays. I know he'll be giving me greif for posting this, but I felt it needed to be said - and Tom, if you delete my post, I WILL be flipping you over in the canoe this November. LOL
Mike Tucker