With the season rapidly approaching,I thought I would get your input on where everyone sells their fur.
This is meant to be informative,so lets keep it civil.No bashing of any kind--just info.
I have a local buyer I have sold to for well over 20 years.Most years all the fur I catch goes to him. When I start on beaver,I know what I will get from him ahead of time.He tells me what he will pay me per beaver.I sell everything to him at an average price,so I get the same price for a 20 pound beaver as I do for a 60 pound beaver.This has worked well for me ,over the years.When I am running my spring line,I know exactly how many beaver I must take to meet my expences.I also know when I have taken enough to make my house payment.
I have also shipped some fur to auction,results have been both fantastic and not so fantastic.
What are your marketing plans for this year?