Author Topic: 257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?  (Read 627 times)

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Offline like2shoot

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« on: July 23, 2004, 03:06:26 PM »
Has anyone had a 257 made up on a model 7? I purchased a used # 7 today in 243. I tried a 257 round in the magizine and it fit . Just wondering if anyone has tried this. Thanks for any input.
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Offline bufflernickl

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2004, 12:26:54 AM »

I have no direct experence with the Model 7, but your post left me wondering about a couple of points.

Do you plan to rebore or rebarrel?

Did you check to see if a loaded round is ejected without interference, say the bullet catching at the front of the ejection port??? Use the longest round you can find, or seat the bullet out to the max cart. length when checking.

Since both the .257 and .243 cases are based upon the ".30-06" standard base, as long as the rounds feed and eject properly (the .257 case is a few mm longer), there would be no reason not to rebore/rebarrel to the (much finer) .257 Robert. I'd even suggest you consider the .257R Ackley Improved if you  are a reloader or want to become one. There is enough of a performance gain to be noticable, and the cost would be the same for either chambering.

Let us know how this project proceeds.



Offline dave375hh

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2004, 01:39:18 AM »
Not 100% positive but I think the .257 is too long for a mod 7. that's why you won't see one in the WSM family. Rem made their SAUM because the Winchesters were too long for the mod.7 and the Roberts is longer than the WSM's

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2004, 04:32:16 AM »
Dave375hh :  The oal for the 257 is 2.75in and the oal for a 308 which is the cal used to separate long action from short actions is 2.80 in. so it will work,  :D    JIM

Offline gunnut69

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 06:20:29 AM »
The 257 Robts and the 250 Sav were the 243's main competitors in the first few years.  The Remington 244 which was introduced to compete with the Winchester round was damaged at birth by Remington and presented nearly no competition at all for the 243.  The Roberts and the 6mm were direct descendants of the 7x57 Mauser while the 243 is simply a 308 necked down. As loaded at the time a Roberts lacks the performance of the 243 which has always been loaded to higher pressures. As of late the factories have introduced +P ammo for the 257 which really just moves it into the pressure levels used by the 243..  If you handload the 257 is a very versatile round and is better than the 243/6mm rounds it competes with.  If a really impressive performance increase is desirable the 257 can be altered into the 257 Ackley Improved version. The case capacity is significantly increased and the 257 moves into the realm of the 25-06. That is impressive indeed.  Of course there is a price for this added performance.  The muzzle blast increases dramatically and a longer barrel (24 inches) is really needed to se the extra capacity of the AI case.. The 257 Roberts AI is a handloading only round although factory 257 ammo can be fired in the rifle.  The accuracy will be fine and nice new 257 Roberts AI cases will be prooduced. At normal pressure levels the 243 will outperform the 257.  If the playing field is leveled the 257 is very likely the better round but for whatever reason the public has never really liked any 257 caliber round so resale value will be lower..  I have used the Roberts for some time and with handloads it is what a 243 should be.  I don't like the AI versions as they are outperformed by the 25-06, a factory round.  The AI versions main claim to fame is they can put a 25-06 performance level in a short action. I'd make it a standard Roberts with a 22 inch barrel. Load the Nosler partition in the 115 grain version. The 100 gives a bit more velocity but I like the 115 a bit better.  Either will kill a deer eaasily with a minimum of muss and fuss.  The M7 is a nice little rifle.  I bought one of the early ones in 222 and for many years it was my coyote rifle of choice..
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Offline like2shoot

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2004, 12:41:52 PM »
If carried to completion, this project will be a rebarrel.  I don't think that there is enough difference in the bores to rebore, the stock barrel is 20" in length, and the barrel diameter is small. The diameter may be large enough, as they also offer this model in 7-08 and 308. My daughter hefted the rifle yesterday and was impressed by the size and weight of the rifle, she may abscond with it. I tried the rifle at the range yesterday, the rifle shot around 3/4" groups with the one load I tried. If I do build it, I anticipate a lightweight, useful rifle. Thanks for all the ideas.
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Offline Mike in Ct

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I had the 257 Roberts M77 Ruger
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2004, 10:53:17 AM »
It was an Ok Gun & cartridge...most handloads shot better if I really seated the bullets out over lenght..In a hunting rifle that can be a problem.The amount of free-bore in factory chambered 257 roberts is a crime.. It renders the 75gr bullet almost useless & that is a shame..If this 243 shoots 3/4 inch groups now I would use it as need too fix what is not broken...The 25 cal. was real fun with gas checked lead bullets..& I really liked the 100 gr. Hornady spire point & IMR 4350 powder..If you get the chance to set one up yourself, chambered the way you want it is a pretty cool dual purpose gun..The ones the factories are pushing out..I'd be leery of..mike in ct

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257 Roberts on Rem model 7 ?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2004, 07:08:59 AM »
Dear Like2,
   The 257 Roberts will be no problem unless you want to shoot the long 117s and 120s seated way out. I use only 100 gr bullets in all my 257s and the over-all-length[oal] of a loaded 257 with a 100 will work nicely. Have the gunsmith cut the leade separate from the chambering and adjusted to the bullet you want to shoot seated to work in the short magazine. Good luck on a neat cartridge.

Aloha, Mark[in Or]
Hawaii No Ka Oe!