Cleaned up the motor on the skiff and started on the 18' Hewes searunner. I have the jet foot off, trued up the impeller, checked the sleeve, never-seized all the bolts and now have to reinstall and adjust the forward/reverse cable. I'm looking into one of those 4 blade impellers too as once the moose was on board last year, that 115 powerhead just didn't push the load very well. I'm considering redoing the boat floor too as I might be able to drop 80-100 lbs by going from water soaked wood floors to 1/8 diamond plate Aluminum. 80+ lbs counts for a lot of gas going up and meat coming down. Started new loads for the 348 but haven't got past case prep. Need to check sighting on the 300 win, gather grub then its up the Nushagak and maybe Mulchatna for caribou. Hard to stay on task when the last 2 times I've taken the 6 yr old fishing,(Friday and today) he's connected with nices silvers while I've managed to get a couple rainbows and grayling on dry flies. Nothing like watching your kids catch their first salmon on their own. Its pouring rain so the berries should fill out good - jeez there is so much to do in the next 2 months - I love it. Noseeums and all.