Well fellas, I got bad news. I am either trading or selling my CVA for another muzzleloader (hopefully a T/C Hawken). I purchased a kit for $20 that would let me attach a sling to the gun. I was walking to the range, rifle slung over shoulder when the screw holding it in place fell right out. If that wasn't bad enough, the microscopic metal plate that held the screw in slid out of the barrel fitting and was lost in the grass. At that I almost threw the rifle into the bushes and decided then and there that I WAS NOT going deer hunting with that gun. Unreliable and malfunctional, who would want to hunt with that? I know, I know, "You know, it could be pilot error." But no one else (including my own hunting friend) has problems like I do. So, that's the only solution. Thanks for all your help and good hunting to all!