You can tell the size of a bear from the paw, however I am talking squared hide size, not the body weight. It is a well known method of adding an inch to the width of the front paw. Mud or snow or even soft sand will enlarge the print some however you will have a general idea what you are after if you can put a tape on it. For example a 7 1/4 inch wide front paw will be from a 8' 3'' squared bear. I have heard the big bear little foot theory, and the big foot little bear theory but I'm not buying it. Nine out of ten times this method will serve you as a sure thing. Another method is to measure the PAD only of the hind foot length wise, not the toes and that will give the square. All this info not of any interest to you? Determined to know the tonnage of that bear by track size only? When someone can reliably come up with a foolproof method for doing that, I'll congratulate them. I don't think I would put any stock in any thing I have heard of yet on that.