1. No one eats until Cookie calls
2. When Cookie calls, everyone comes a runnin'
3. Hungry cowboys wait for no man. They fill their plates, fill their bellies, and then move on so stragglers can fill their plates
4. Cowboys eat first, talk later.
5. It's okay to eat with your fingers. The food is clean
6. If you're refilling the coffee cup and someone yells "Man at the pot." You're obliged to serve refills.
7. Don't take the last serving unless your sure you're the last man.
8. Food left on the plate is an insult to the cook.
9. No running or saddling a horse near the wagon. And when you ride off, always ride down wind from the wagon.
10. If you come across any decent firewood, bring it back to the wagon
11. Strangers are always welcome at the wagon.