1) Yes, .30 cal. is the best example of this
2) The steep angle makes it harder to accelerate the bullet, causing higher pressure in the chamber, which could help a factory rifle round in a pistol length bbl..
3) Same as any other, find the over-all length that touches the lands, then seat the bullet deeper by .005" to as much as .03" . The closer the bullet is to max OAL most shooters say it's more accurate. The closer the bullet starts to the lands of the rifling, the higher the pressure will be.
4) The shallow taper.
X) The tighter rifling twist bbls. will cause higher pressure & have slower velocity. The weight of the bullet or length, needs to be taken into consideration, as demonstrated by JDJ's 300 Whisper a 1 turn in 8" twist bbl will stabilize a 220gr bullet, while T/C's 1 turn in 10" will not.