bbb is a good choice for large geese, i agree... a very slight thing to consider and ive gotten in trouble with this... patterns in higher eleveations here in montana are tighter than in the coastal states where humidity and air density spreads patterns faster.. larger shot and buffer holds patterns together, so there should be some patterning on the pattern board telling you what is going on with old betsy.. large payloads of t can asimilate lesser payloads of bb with vleocity makeing up the difference in bb loads... with 12 gauge 3 inch for example its a balance of choke, velocity, shot size, shot type... but there is no deniing that with steel shot and large geese, and long range i like larger shot like t so body shot hits will count as wings bones/ heads are a minmal target.. i think we are getting higher velocities and better patterns now than when i used to do most of my goose hunting.. also 10 gagues are prevelent now out here where 12 gague 3 inch with steel was about all anyone had 15-20 years ago.. even bismuth is a great advantage over steel at long range, i believe. so heavi shot that i have never used must be pretty good stuff if you can afford it. still shot size for your own use, decided by range (distance of average shot) speed of bird, size of bird,pattern, velocity, is all critical for maximum preformance.. this is my view.. and there are lots of hunters who get a lot more birds than i do, (did ) and they just grab whatever is on the shelf, and are just better hunters than me.. simply put the closer you get the better you can do as the shotgun has more power(effect).. good luck on opening day, dave.