I just finished a informational Bowhunting video on hog hunting. All Bowhunts. I used a 70# Darton Compound & the last few a 60# single cam Darton of 60#s. I used 2117 Easton Aluminums tipped with 125gr 3 Blade Roacky Mountain Razors. The video goes to production facility in 2 weeks for release in mid. Nov. We are headed out in 2 weeks to start another & will take about a year to film & finish.
I think wild hogs are the toughest animal a bowhunter can take on in the lower 48 states. I have taken Big Black Bears, Caribou & Elk (big animals) with a Bow AND the wild HOG has proved to be the toughest to put down-even with a perfect hit. They are just tough & mean.
If you have not been-GO-you will get HOOKED for sure & hopefully not by the hog.