FFFg burns much faster, hence higher pressure. So start with small loads and build up. With golf balls it will soon be apparent that you can only see them if you're directly behind the piece because of velocity. Then you won't be able to see them at all, unless the sun is right behind you.
A little extra air in the chamber is no big deal.
Aluminum foil packets are good, but not necessary. Sparks are bad and cleanliness and time between rounds assist in their prevention.
On one of my mortars (16-20-24oz soda pop bottle caliber) I use a 1/2" pvc pipe 24" long and a funnel to put the powder into the chamber.
Note however, you should spike the vent and swab the chamber and bore between every shot. I have SEEN glowing embers of fuse fragments IN THE POWDER CHAMBER (could have been in the fuse vent) some TWO minutes after firing!
That also implies measuring the powder into a separate container and capping the 1 lb can and putting the 1 lb can well back from the firing position.
Rigid safety procedures are good, even if they only save your life/eyesight once in every 1000 rounds.