Jon-You don't state what price range you are looking in, but if you type Caywood Gunmakers into your browser window you will go to a great web site. They offer a period correct French pistol as a kit that might work for you. Check Track of the Wolf, too. They might have a pistol or two.
Matt Avance at Tennessee Valley Arms offers a pistol kit that has enough extra wood to allow you to make an early gun. The parts are of high quality.
I would avoid the generic "Kentucky" pistols that are available as they don't really replicate any time period and often disappoint as regards fit and finish. There aren't, to my knowledge, any mass produced early to mid eighteenth century pistols being made, probably because they would require too much careful fitting to be believable. Also, if you plan on joining certain re-enacting groups, your equipment must be authentic, so you might want to bear that in mind.