Thanks Lik2hunt, that saved me a bunch of typing.
If you guys want to see how far you can shoot a deer from the standing or leaning against a tree position put a large folgers coffee can out at say 25 yards and see how many slugs out of a box of 5 hit the can and "make it dance". Then put the can out at 50. Then out to 75 yards. If you buy a 15 round box of winchesters or Remingtons (does federal sell 15 round boxes yet?) then one box will take you from 25 to 75 yards.
I've done this with my fiberoptic beaded Pardner 12 using winchester slugs at 25 and 50 yards and had very good success. 25 yards was easy and fun. I don't remember how I did at 50, but I don't think I was perfect. I need more practice.
Oh, and one more thing, wear a THICK coat and take a few Ibuprofens before hand. Fun but painful. And it'll give you a truer idea of what you can do with your shotgun. Paper from a rest only tells a small part of the story when it comes to shooting at game.
Which brings me to the next lesson. Once you master the "dancing coffee can" take a can and drill a hole in it (or use a slug hole :grin: ) and tie a string onto it and hang it from a tree (assuming you have trees where you shoot, I do on the farm...). Shoot the can, reload, and shoot it again while it's still swinging. It'll start to teach you how to track a moving target and tell you if you need to be shooting at stationary targets only or if you're ready for moving targets. Like I said, it's a start, a swinging can and running deer are two very different things. A swinging can and walking deer, ah, closer, and close is better than nothing.
And hopefully your not like me, my wife has cut back on the coffee usage so all I have to shoot at this year are the small red folgers coffee cans. :wink:
*** of, I forgot to mention, you can do the same drills with a 22 and soup cans before moving to your slugs for the "test". Alot easier on the shoulder and wallet!