How old is the bow?
How old is the buss cable, control cable, and bowstring on the bow?
I'm guessing your nocking point was no where near 1/2" high before, where was it though? 1/8" high? Even?
What could cause that kind of movement assuming everything is tight?
1) The nocking point was not tight, and moved on your draw. Sounds like the first one at 6" moved it somewhat and the next few moved it some more. This is my best guess based on the info provided. You may think the nock is "tight" because your hands can't move it...but under the tension of draw weight, it may not be nearly as tight as you think. I'd be sure to even that back out and secure it.
Because you are tight for time, keep moving it down until your broadheads come back into place. Be sure to secure it tightly each time. Nocks shouldn't be just "snug", they should be GRIPPING tight...i.e. clamped (assuming they are metal nocks) or served super tight several times (i.e. at least 10-14 double looped overhand knots alternating sides of the bowstring) to prevent slippage.
This tends to be a huge problem for guys, as they don't secure nocking points nearly enough...and then go to extreme such as putting 5 nocks on their string to prevent slippage. Just secure the one on there VERY tight and everything should be OK once you even it back out so your broadheads are in the 10 ring!
2) String stretch is possible, especially if the bow has new cables/bowstring and was stored somewhere warm/hot (i.e. inside of a car during the day)
3) Something with the bow components (depending on the model) could have worn and slipped...although I doubt this and it would be quite noticeable.
But I think #1 is the culprit, in fact I'm pretty much 99% sure.