I tend to agree completely with Graybeard and whew!...FW.. on the Waco incident!
I have been told that Koresh went to town often, and even jogged on the highway...that was the safest place to nab him..if they had a reason and a warrant...
That killing of so many women and children, by an administration that always claimed to be so concerned "for the children", is really an eye opener !
Graybeard is probably right on with his predictions, if we are saps enough to stay involved with the UN (useless nothing).
We who are serious students of the Bible, recognize that there are only two spiritual forces in all of creation....Almighty God and Satan.
Christians sometimes fail their God (and break his heart), and some, that claim to be Christians, are just liars in disguise.
If someone who called themselves by Christ's name murdered little children by explosives and shooting them in the back as they tried to flee; I would as a Christian, be very vocal in calling them what they were...Satanically inspired...plus I would do my best to help the law trail such evil persons down !
I am sure that virtually all Bible believing Christian preachers would be entirely with me!
Is there any real doubt who or what inspired such an EVIL act as what was done to those Russian children?
Where are the strong denunciations from Muslim "clerics" ?
Now I don't mean little words like "deplore" or " wrongdoing"...I mean like "Satanically inspired".
Where are those voices, where is the help in tracing this type of beasts down?
Until I start to see more real disgust and actions from the Muslim community...I guess my mind is starting to paint an idea as to who REALLY leads them!