well New Hampshire, you can take it fer what ya want,,but those Lyman like a tight dry PRB combo to shoot well. Even pre-lubed ox yoke .020 with a .495 ball is too wet/slick for good accuracy over a hunting charge of 80-85grns of 2f true bp or t7.(or equivilant)
The greasey ox-yoke is the overkill in the above combo. Try a dry .020 patch with .495 ball and applie any of the other lubes you have learned of and/or have to hand lightly aka; just a little bit. You'll have too "stuff" the load, not "slide it down" nor does it need to be "hammered"!. Just a good,dry, tight, combo.
If you do your part you'll get 1 hole at 50,, and 5" or under at 100 using iron sights.. ya kin argue all ya want,I'll not rebute to ya..I seen it and done it too many tymes for anyone to have a "special" gun that's different. Lyman ain't T/C,, they's Lyman,, Lyman gun's like dry/tight fittin PRB. If ya gotta try conicals then use short ones,,
p.s. Ball-ets suck in 1-48,,,go a head try'm,no skin off my butt. your money,,your tyme..
luck too ya,,best wishes,,,