Guys -
Thanks for all the positive feedback. I gotta tell you, I really stunk up the range when I first got the gun last winter. I am left handed and promptly developed a helluva flinch that had me pulling every shot about six inches to the right. I initially incorrectly compensated for that by adjusting the sight to shoot left, then smartened up and posted here to get some advice, after I couldn't adjust the sight to shoot left any further!!
I have since gotten my rangework down to a more precise routine. My grip is much more consistent, as is my sight picture and my squeeze. It's funny, when I shot that group, after the third round I knew I had a potential best string going, and stayed in the groove to finish off the other three smoothly enough to set a personal best. I'm pleased with my progress, and am ready to move out to 50 yards to see how close I can put them.
SLAVAGE: I bought that Nikon scope used. I don't think they make them any more. All of my other scopes are Leupolds, on long guns, and I freely admit to being an optics elitist. I first mounted the Nikon without lapping the Ruger rings, and after 200 rounds noticed that the scope had slipped a 1/2", leaving a nice digger in the pretty scope finish to remind me forever. I bought a lapping kit from Midway USA, lapped the rings, reinstalled them, and everything has been finest kind ever since.
The Nikon scope is nice and bright, and I am very pleased with it. It has a slight gold luster, but overall matches the SBH Hunter very well. With scope, the SBH weighs 4.5 pounds unloaded, whjich is heavy. Everyone who picks it up says so. I like the extra weight, come full house load time, though.
I do think the 4.5x on the high range of the zoom is overkill. I shoot 1.5 - 3x, and that's about it. At those powers, it's easy to acquire the target with a nice bright sight picture. Eye relief is excellent. I shoot it just about straight armed, and plan to hunt with it from a Summit Viper treestand, with a gun rest.
Anyways, thanks again guys. I wanted to share some success with you, because you were all very supportive when I limped onto the forum, knowing a whole lot was wrong with my form and not knowing how to get it squared away. I'm shooting beeter because of you.