Not as bad as it looks. Yes the H&R trigger is a dog. I made mine 24oz but can be made 16oz with no trouble. The slave pins need to be the right length.When testing the trigger for pull leave out the latch compression spring, or remove the latch altogether. Make a wedge to hold up the latch push leaver and tie the hammer back to full cock when inserting the trigger group.
In the final assembly use a drop of contact cement to hold the latch compression spring in the hole of the trigger guard and put the forward part with the spring in place, in first and compress the spring and put the the small pin in first. Have a look at my web page for some tweaking.
One more thing when lighten the trigger make sure that the trigger return spring is light enough to have a complete follow through, or the stupid saftety bar will move out of the way for a misfire. M.