well glaze ya sure gave us all a wide option to choose from didn't ya? :-D
Two peeps,1 iron, or fiberoptics,,,,,,ya did say yer shooting prb. aka1-70 twist. But ya didn't say what ya want to use yer firearm for
Although the 57 sml offers such a wide range of options along with the 17aml front sight, and the Williams is a rear peep also,,,,,well,,,,
Because I usually shoot game in heavy cover, and low light,,and because I have shot alot with just open sights I prefer a good deep "Slot" type adjustable rear and a light colored/silver blade up front.
The "fiber" asspect really brings the sights to the fore front,,but I have found that the very "luminesance" of the fiber optics detract the eye from the best placement options. (it's an eye thing)(ya cain't see light then the target at the same tyme)(aka; 1000$ hooded scopes)
The fiber optics sure helped the boy learn how too see "sight window", easy,,shooting 101. But that's a long way's fom "peep's and target 352".
luck too ya,, best wishes,