Author Topic: FF or FFF  (Read 563 times)

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Offline two snakes

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« on: September 13, 2004, 05:48:14 AM »
I have a .50 cal GPR percussion and am using a .495 round ball with .010 patch.  I can use either FF or FFF.  Which would be best?

Offline Naphtali

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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2004, 07:36:04 AM »
In terms of safety, it makes zero difference. Loaded correctly, it will be difficult to create an unsafe load.

Conventional wisdom claims FFFg burns faster than FFg. If this is true, and I have my doubts, the difference is not significant.

What IS SIGNIFICANT is how your specific breeched barrel shoots with each granulation. You can obtain page-after-page of war stories. But stories and 35 ยข will get you coffee.

I recommend you invest in two pounds of each granulation. Decide on a load and test it:

1. For accuracy.

2. If you have a chronograph, test for velocity.

3. If you have no chronograph, get a dozen yellow pages. Wrap them together with wire, or tape, or other. Saturate with water and fire your most accurate loads into the books. Keep track of what is shot where.
     Then use a rod to measure penetration. If you want to, you can examine each bullet for shape/distortion.
Each breeched barrel will yield [slightly] different results, different preferences. Regardless what other shooters experience, your rifle will be different. Test it.
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Offline roundball

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Re: FF or FFF
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2004, 01:13:18 PM »
Quote from: two snakes
I have a .50 cal GPR percussion and am using a .495 round ball with .010 patch.  I can use either FF or FFF.  Which would be best?

I prefer the faster FFFg and use it in .45/.50/.54calibers... FFg in .58/.62cals & .12ga
"Flintlocks.......The Real Deal"
(Claims that 1:48" twists won't shoot PRBs accurately are old wives tales!!)

Offline Jerry/PA

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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2004, 04:35:27 PM »
Hi Two Snakes;

Most of the fellows are going to tell you to shoot which ever your rifle shoots the most accurately.  Mine likes 2F Goex, but that's just mine.  You'll have to find your rifle's favorite.   Kinda like Forrest Gump's Mama told him... everyone has to find their own destiny!  Sorry, couldn't resist.

I just want to mention that you need to remember that the MAXIMUM charge for your rifle will be lower by 10 or 15% with the 3F.  Don't forget!

Also, my experience is that a great deal of accuracy gain is to be found by finding the best thickness of patching, and the best slickness level of lubrication.   Don't forget to work up these items.

Shoot safe.


Ironsights Jerry.