I had a bit of a problem with coon unsetting blind mink sets. The sets were made along a vertical bank with a water depth of an inch - two inches. I was setting just for mink, but it was warm enough for the coon to run. Everything was iced over except for these little pockets (springs) along the bank. 4 spots in total. Since I set for mink I hugged the traps to the banks with the dog out to the water side. I tried the dog guide stick but it caused the water to freeze up so I quit that. I had 6 sets guarding this small area. all were blind sets except one that was a natural pocket. Almost every day, most of the blind sets would be unset and I would have a coon in the pocket set when the coon ran this area. I did take a coon in one of the blind sets. With all the unsets, I figured this was just blind luck. How can you set for both coon and mink or can you on a vertical bank with the conditions I stated?? Thanks!!