seems i go away for a bit and it hits the fan here.
MGMorden, you are a sharp cookie. never you mind the comment about "in all your 22 years". it was out of line ethical and factually. i love it when people try to silence ya on age. from my point of view, older just means you are closer to the grave.
the whole point here is that we are all equal. that is why some are worked up about it. because others already bought into thinking otherwise.
i think post 9-11, some things have to change. i would love to see all americans who are not felons and mentally fit carry concealed. nationwide. they get stupid, they get shot.
and as far as "needing cops to protect us". thing is, cops cant do squat 99% of the time until after something bad happens to you. not a slam, but this is the way it is. i think we all should be a lot more responsible for our own security and rely a whole lot less on others to do it. we as a nation have gotten way to complacent in this regard.
instead of getting personal digs in, i urge you guys to look at the meat of what MGMorden first said, echoed by g.b. these guys get it. i know what the other side of the discussion is saying, but we already have that right. why pass two laws that say the same thing?
the fact is it is our
right to carry, and i do. i also take responsibility for my security, and for my actions.
and as far as the personal digs (even the small ones), come on, guys. it speaks poorly about the person making the comments. lets keep our contributions to valuable material here, please.