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Offline cam69conv

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« on: September 15, 2004, 01:37:46 PM »
Ok Guys I have been in another hunting room and there has been an EXTREAMLY heated debate on wether or not it is illegal to carry a firearm while bow hunting..Oh I live in Pa and that is the state of this topic...Our Game commission CLEARLY states as follows..." NO FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION IS TO BE POSSESSED WHILE BOW HUNTING OR SPOTLIGHTING"  Now some of the guys think that since they have a CCW then it is perfectly legal for them to carry a concieled pistol while bow hunting...Whats your opinion on this?? I feel that since the Game commission is a LEGAL and GOVERNING body and it is CLEARLY stated none are to be possessed then it isnt...I personally carry either a p25 sig or my p9r feg and Im sorry to say but at 40 yards I am one HELL of alot more accurate with my bow so why would I want to carry a pistol..They say they want to carry it in case they run into a bear or a yote..Both of which 9 out of 10 times will be more scared of you than you of them and would run away..Whats your opinion in this matter guys
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Offline GBO MGMT

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 01:57:13 PM »
Bama is similar to PA in this regard. No guns while bow hunting. Here it means when you leave the vehicle the gun better not. I ignore it and carry just like I always do. No bears to be concerned about here but there are always two legged predators and wild dogs are a real possibility here. I've had them after me before and I don't want to not have a gun if it happens again.

Offline cam69conv

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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 02:07:03 PM »
Let me Kind of tune this topic a bit....Its not really the reason you may want to carry one I am after but what you think of the legality issue...Of the ones I know of that got caught..they lost thier bows and thier guns that and thier vehicle that day...Then were fined 2,500 bux, lost thier ccw's, and lost thier hunting privledges for 5 years...All for why?? Sorry Bill I respect the hell out of you and your insights But for me If I feel I would be in danger without my pistol's in an area and It was illegal to carry there then I just wouldnt hunt in that area..I like my Bows and my guns and I LOVE MA DAMN TRUCK to much to risk it.. I was raised in the back hills of Tn where we have a numorous amount of dangerous critters 2 and 4 legged and I have yet to feel the need to carry a pistol with me in Bow season after 30+ years of hunting. Ran accross Bears, bobbies, Boars (pissed off ones too). I just used a little common sense and know how and had no bad outcomes.. Just my 2 cents
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Offline jhm

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 02:18:40 PM »
Here in Ar. (No firearms while bow hunting ) and that means with a ccw or not, I have talked to some of our game wardens about it, since I hunt here on the farm I have on more than once been guilty of forgetting about mine and been in the stand with it, I just unload it and put in fanny pack out of the way. :D    JIM

Offline TNrifleman

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 02:35:19 PM »
In Tennessee, bowhunters are not allowed to carry any type of firearm while bowhunting. Possessing a handgun carry permit (CCW), does not change the law.

Offline ihuntbucks

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2004, 05:09:34 PM »
GB is correct for Bama.Of course I also carry mine cuz in case something tries to get me Iam much better with it than the bow.Plus it also holds more rounds and I don't have a yardage of 40 yrds or so if I can hit it  :eek: ..............Rick
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Offline Lawdog

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2004, 01:06:55 PM »


It is very plain to me.  Carry a handgun while bow hunting and you are in violation of the law.  Now the question is will the LEO/Warden enforce the law if you have a good valid reason?  I know there were a few times when I turned my head and looked the other way.  Like the plaque on my office wall says, “I’d Rather Be Judged By Twelve Than Carried By Six”.  Lawdog
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Offline Thomas Krupinski

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« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2004, 01:22:12 PM »
Here in Arizona it is also against regulations to carry firearms during archery hunts, but with one exception and that is during our HAM (handgun, archery, muzzleloader) hunts.

There is also quite a bit of dissagreement to the logic of the rule with the current climate out in the field where bowhunters are feeling the need for more suitable personal protection.  There is an effort underway to have the rule changed.

Offline tallpaul

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« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2004, 03:17:59 AM »
Ohio just recently got the CCW passed and of course the demigods at the DNR feel they can overide my rights as usual- the answer to the question is it is illegal here and says so in the regs. The dnr feels that they can do whatever they want here. they have become the all knowing and all encompassing alphabet organization like almost no other is. They do all the dnr stuff and are the dea,state police and fbi all rolled into one or so they think. No one stands up to them as far as the courts say. I still want to know why they think they can without just cause go where ever whenever they want there posted or not? We just tell them we believe in "sound shots" on our property for we know who is allowed to be here and thier eyes get big... there ought to be a season on em... and actually I don't do anything against the laws that I know of. I just keep hearing things like guys getting fines for not haveing a pen to fill out the paperwork- duh ever hear of a stick dipped in blood if you forget your pen or drop it? or the one I like- fined for having no drag line- cut a stick and slide between the two leg tendons, fined for having no watch... I get mad just thinking of it! I wish thier funding would get cut to 0.00
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Offline Thomas Krupinski

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« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2004, 03:40:15 AM »
Glad I don't live in Ohio.  Arizona Game & Fish is just the opposite, very friendly and helpful to hunters, and seem to do everything they can to make you hunting experince more enjoyable.

The folks out in the field will try to help you with information and ideas if you ask.  We don't have those silly rules you mention.  We do have rules like picking up your empty cases so you are not littering, and all eatable meat must be taken out of the field as to not be wasteful, and not shooting from or across roads for safety.

Don't recall hearing that anyone ever asking a bowhunter if they were carrying a concealed pistol.

Offline cam69conv

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« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2004, 06:45:21 AM »
:-D  :-D  :)  :)  :-D  :-D  :)  :)  Fined for not having a drag line  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  Ok now thats just plain old STUPID...Ive NEVER carried a drag rope in my life...Ive always Used the stick through the legs..Hell of alot easier to drag a deer to me as Im 6'3" and alot of the places I hunt have alot of deadfall and rocks...Hard as hell with a rope drag over that..I have to say the GC here for the most part are pretty cool and helpfull...Ive asked several about hunting locations and the amount of pressure in an area and questions like that with very reliable answers and very nice too...LOL I did have one come to my house sayin he was told I had over the limit of deer in my freezer..I just kinna let him know that I was still In the USA and for him to enter my house without a court signed warrent that was CONSTITUTIONAL in the search and siezure laws was puttin his life in perril...I basicly said you aint got no warrent then I see you as a robber and im WELL ARMED..He got the point..Some of them try to be buttheads and such like that but Most Ive run in to are very helpfull...Ya allways seem to get a butthead in the bunch..
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline Tapper

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CCW & bow hunting in PA
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2004, 02:43:48 PM »
cam69 - I specifically addressed this question to the Pa Game commission a few years ago. IT IS ILLEGAL to carry a gun while bow hunting in PA. Of course, this was probably brought about by some concern over the possible use of said gun to take the deer, but that's speculation on my part. It is also illegal to carry a semi-auto pistol while hunting in PA since it is illegal to hunt with one in PA, even if it is with you as your CCW and you are obviously not hunting with it (have it in your hand etc), and are hunting with another firearm (in your hands...). It is similarly illegal to carry a revolver while hunting with a muzzle loader in that season.

I also checked with the Pa Fish commission (separate commissions in PA for you out of state folks) about carrying ccw while fishing. They don't care if you are carrying a semiauto pistol as your carry weapon while fishing. It can be exposed (on your hip etc - open carry) while fishing, a revolver or whatever.

One gotcha can be when in some areas that are state parks. They are sometimes no firearms zones. Postings at the fish landings and such should reveal pertinent info.

Will an officer give you a hard time and such -- I don't know, haven't seen our local guy to ask yet, but the law is clear.

I hope this helps,


Offline cam69conv

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2004, 03:06:40 PM »
:-D  :-D  :-D  :-D Im still rollin on poor Tallpaul's drag rope thing...Just cant get that outta my head...On a more serious note...I, like Tapper, Know this to be against the law...What is really bugging me is the amount of people on that other site that are perfectly willing to break that law openly and seem proud of the fact...What is gettin my goat is this....If you get caught OPENLY breaking ANY gun law especially anything that has to do with a CCW then you are not only screwing yourself out of your CCW BUT you are screwing others also...ANY time that one of these laws are broken just gives the anti butt heads just that more ammunition to take more rights away from us!!!!! Its that simple...Yet there are those that belive if they dont agree with a law then screw it imma break it...If you dont agree with a law, instead of breaking it get together all the people you know that dont agree with it,,,In this case im sure you could easily get the 50% needed to bring it to a vote,,,And fight it...I personaly have no need for a pistol during the bow season but I also hunt private property and I can see where some may feel it is nessessary because of the way this old world is headed with all tha dope heads and such or some idiot that thinks your deer is his...But why break the laws when it is perfectly reasonable and not to hard to change it.... :D
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline Paul S

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2004, 02:14:11 PM »
:x Been reading along on this post. Just thought I would add my 2 cents. The whole reason I now have a CCW is because of an event that happened while pre season scouting for deer with my 9 year old son. Ran into a guy down in the deep woods. He struck a conservation with us and before I knew it his buddy ( 6'6'' and about 240) that we didn't even know was there was about 5' behind my son. To make a long story short, they made it clear they had no use for me, they wanted my truck and my son. If not for a Ruger single six .22 I had under my rain slicker,and the grace of the good Lord I know that my son and I would not be here today. Turned out both guys were wanted felons. That's why I carry now. NO MATTER WHAT. I can put my life at risk but I will not put the lives of my family at risk that I hunting with because of some silly rule. I'm not an unethical hunter and would not use fair advantage. And I understand why they have it. Just ain't going to do it. Sorry for rambling on.

Offline hvacman

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2004, 04:25:14 PM »
Maybe PA doesn't have the methamphetamine problem Missouri does. I can't imagine hunting public ground without a gun on me. There are constantly meth labs being found in wooded areas and I for one wouldn't want to walk into one of these areas armed with only a bow. Many of the dopers cook meth on the back of their trucks or in the woods for a short time. The penalty for cooking meth in MO has gotten stiff enough that second or third time offenders would rather kill someone than be caught. Bow season is open in MO, CCW is legal except when bowhunting but if I'm on public ground I'll be packing and in the meantime be working to change the law.
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Offline leverfan

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2004, 08:07:15 PM »
In Washington state, it's illegal to carry a concealed handgun while bow hunting, even if you have a permit.  However, meth use is out of control around here, and there are a fair number of pot growing operations tucked out in the woods.  The meth use is so prevalent, local docs figure that up to 40% of the babies born in this town were exposed to meth in the womb.  On top of that, theft of game, especially bull elk, has always been a possible source of trouble while hunting.  If I start bow hunting again, it will be with a S&W M60 tucked into my pocket, strictly for two-legged problems.

Muzzle loaders can pack a handgun, as long as it's also a black powder gun.  Cap and ball revolvers are allowed, and I would not feel poorly armed with a .44 caliber 1858 Remington replica, or a Ruger cap and ball revolver.
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Offline twodollarpistol

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2004, 12:55:37 AM »
Well said Cam69, and thank you. I just cant imagine being that afraid of being in the woods that I would risk prosecution as well as the privilege of my CCW over it. And I certainly wouldn't advise anybody to purposefully break the law. Might be some kids reading these post. If it gets that bad where Im hunting Ill go somewhere else, or I just wont go. I feel very well armed with my bow and if someone "sneaks" up on me or gets the drop on me, a shotgun, rifle, and two pistols probably wont do me any good.
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Offline TOGO

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2004, 11:33:16 AM »
Michigan pretty much falls in line with most other state. This taken directly
 from our 2004 Hunting Guide. " During the archery deer seasons, it is illegal to carry afield a pistol, revolver or other firearm while bow hunting for deer. " Same deal with Muzzleloader season. Dept. of Natural Resources rules supersede CCW or any other firearm rule mandated at the fed or state level. If you feel like breaking the law, that's your problem but don't be upset when you get your privileges taken away, I haven't met a a DNR officer yet that is understanding to your personal views, that's why we have laws to follow.

Offline cam69conv

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« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2004, 12:17:09 PM »
Ok I gotta say this,,, Ya'll are so worried about the meth heads and such...Ive had to deal with Pot fields...Moonshine stills...Meth labs close by..and have yet to feel the need for anything other than my bow in bow season or my rifle in rifle season...I can smell a Meth lab 1/2 mile off..Same with a still...Pot fields are generally unoccupied but if they were most times they shy away from you to see what you are up to...A little common sense and a firm grasp on your senses and you will be fine...Hell In rifle seasone alot of guys carry a pistol too...Usually a semi and having a semi in your possession in Pa while hunting is also illegal bye the way...Now that makes me wonder...If I cant kill someone with my usual brush gun.. .444marlin with 265 grain hornady light mags...What tha hell would make me think I could kill them with my lil ole 9mm??? And as I said before...Im damn good with my sig 9mm but at 40 yards im a hell of a lot better with my bow...Just a thought...
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline TScottW99

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2004, 07:59:40 PM »
Va for the first time this year will allow CWP holders to carry a sidearm concealed when bow hunting.  I'm happy.  I don't worry about the 4 legged critters as much as the two.  If i'm walking back to my truck and get jumped, it's much quicker to pull my Glock out then pull an arrow out and then try to draw.

Plus I carry every where I go, why shouldn't I be able to in the woods.  You never know when you will need it.  You just hope you won't need it.
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« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2004, 04:44:46 PM »
Texas has had a problem with some autocratic local officials posting much local public places  to ccw holders, the last legislature passed a very comphrehensive State Law takes perogrative over all local ordinances.
Hospitals, schools and court houses are about the only public places you cannot carry without permission from the owner or administrator. Also some large amusement parks.
Private places must post a notice if they ban ccw and it must be in a very specific language, Places that earn more than 50% of their income from alcohol sales are illegal, but must post a large sign at the entrance with 51% on it in letters 8" high.
TP&W also caught it and it is legal to ccw while bowhunting, contrary to their previous rules.
The Legislature got upset with the locals usurping the State laws.
D. Rinks

Offline Norwester

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2004, 09:49:23 PM »
This was an issue here in Oregon a little while back. It was illegal for bow and muzzleloader hunters to carry a firearm (other than muzzleloader) during their respective seasons. Due to concerns re the rapidly increasing cougar pop,the Oregon Hunters Ass.,Gun Owners of America (and Oregon),and the NRA became involved in the issue. The upshot was that the Oregon legislature informed the ODFW that the legislature would and already has decided who can carry a firearm in the state,and when. Any person,legally entitled to own a firearm,CHL holder or not,,can carry while bow or muzzle loader hunting. All other restrictions and regs re legal method of taking animals still apply.

Offline cam69conv

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2004, 02:12:43 AM »
As far as carry for your protection I think its all well and good as I am a CCW holder myself..I think the main problem that the PGC has here is they had a problem with idiots poppin a deer with the carry weapon then running an arrow through the bullet path...People around here tend to cheat as often as possible Ive noticed and so did the PGC hence the carry rule while Bow Hunting..If people had the integrity to follow the rules and regs it wouldnt be a problem at all...*sigh* Sucks what a few bad apples can screw up for the rest of us huh..Have a good day folks and Happy hunting
You want a divorce if I go hunting today??? Well sorry ta see ya go...Was nice knowin ya..Dont let tha door hit ya where tha good lord split ya :D

Offline Bubba w/a 45/70

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in a slightly different area.....
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2004, 04:13:54 PM »
In North Dakota it is strictly verbotten to carry a firearm while bowhunting.  

As far as CCW while hunting, this is illegal also, but you can open carry any handgun in a legal hunting caliber, so not being able to CCW doesn't bother me.  If someone, or something, is a danger to me while hunting, they have WAY more to worry about from me than whether or not my .45 is under my coat..
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Offline 44 Man

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2004, 03:03:41 PM »
I think in Michigan, the DNR recuits people who wash out of the ATF.  I met a few who were firearms friendly but most are not.  We also cannot carry while bow hunting.  In fact, the DNR looks at anyone carrying a gun in the woods as a probable poacher.  If you are walking in the woods and it is not firearms hunting season and you don't have a hunting license, your CCW firearm better be one looked upon as protection only and not a hunting use gun.  They would not think twice at you carring a .38 snub or 9mm but if you are carring a .44 mag you may be in trouble.  It's your burden to prove you were not out there with intent to poach, not their's!  At least the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owner (they pushed the CCW law through) keep working on things like this to define and remove these potential trouble areas.  They deserve a LOT of credit for a good, common sense CCW law.  44 Man
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Offline Mohawk

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2004, 06:13:44 PM »
It is legal for a CHL holder to carry his concealed hangun during bow hunting in Texas.

Offline DEPUTY

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« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2004, 07:03:29 PM »
togo and 44 man it is now legal to carry while bowhunting! in michigan ruling was passed down on sept 30th by ag mike cox contact your local dnr office to confirm if you dont want my word!

mcrgo hahaha what a joke there under investigation by the feds they backed anit gun canadits last year, and have several guys on the bod who are underinvestigation with the teamsters, sue tabor was advised to quite her affliation with them by the feds, as well as alan cropsy! they rigged there own bod election they are a has been in michigan i know i used to do all kinds of work with them in the past! they are a joke now too bad! but it wasnt only mcrgo it was also mucc and other groups

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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2004, 03:33:24 PM »
In Texas you can carry a concealed handgun with the permit while bowhunting during the archery season.  You can also carry a firearm (concealed or not concealed) without a permit  while bowhunting during the archery season if you are not in possession of a broadhead arrow.  Reason for this is squirrel season is going on during the archery season.  It's perfectly legal to squirrel hunt with bow and gun at the same time :P  :P ...........Van
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CCW Holders and Bow hunting
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2004, 07:50:34 AM »
Seems that NY is in line with most other states listed here...Here's an excerpt from the DEC FAQ page:

Q. I have a pistol permit, can I carry my handgun while bowhunting?

A. No. While hunting pursuant to a special bow season, you may not possess a firearm of any description.

Seems pretty cut and dried to me...
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« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2004, 01:27:24 AM »
Indiana no firearms during bow season!  Also during firearms season your handgun can't be concealed.

In Indiana even though you have a handgun license you can't walk into a Court House, County Jail, State Prison, Public School or get on a Commercial Aircraft with a firearm.

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