Author Topic: remington 300 ultra mag  (Read 3027 times)

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Offline tommyboy84

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remington 300 ultra mag
« on: November 25, 2002, 03:32:23 PM »
:D  Hey guys I just found this site and can already tell I like it.  I have a queastion for you all. I'm thinking of getting  a 300 ultra mag for deer and elk but am wondering if it will be too much of an over kill? what do you all think? any sugestions will be great!

Offline tommyboy84

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2002, 05:38:25 PM »
I sure hope so.
I'm a big ol guy so I shouldent develope a flinching problem like some smaller shooters might.

Offline Tony D

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300 UM
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2002, 06:13:04 AM »
Are you an experienced shooter?  I'd ask this first before recommending even a 300 Win mag.  In all practicality, the 30-06 will do everything you want in the lower 48.  You won't be giving up that much range, even if you were very proficient at extremely long ranges.  The 06 will develop considerably less recoil and allow you to more accurately place your shots.  It will cost a lot less to shoot also.   If you are hunting, you need to practice a whole bunch before taking a shot at an animal.

Now, if you are very experience and can take advantage of the longer range of the big magnum AND you feel you really need it, then go for it.
Tony D ><>

Offline tommyboy84

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2002, 11:45:02 AM »
Tony  a few years back I took a doe at almost 250yds off handed with a open sight 30/30. I think with a 300 RUM a GOOD scope and a steady rest I should be able to take deer/elk out to 500yds if I take time to learn my gun. I was thinking of going with a modle 7 short mag in stainless steal what do you guys think? Is ammo more expensive for a short mag V/S long mag? are the balistics the same? thax for any info. :biggun:

Offline huntnnut

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300 Ultramag
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2003, 03:37:52 AM »
I got a buddy with a custom 300 Remington Ultramag and he kick's butt with it.  He took 3 bucks with it this year one in Missouri another one in GA and another one in AL and the one in Missouri was right at 500 yards.  Of course this guy can shoot like there's no tomorrow anyway, though he loves his 300 Ultramag.  BTW, he's shooting 140 grain ballistic tips I believe, that he loads himself.

Good luck with it, if that's what you decide to go with.

Offline thomas

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I have one and love it
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2003, 04:47:55 AM »
Ok yes the other posters are Correct if you are talking 250-300 yards MAX the 30-06 will do what ever the 300 Ultra will do with lets say a 165 grain bullet.
Now put a 180-220 grain bullet it the mix
Add the yards out to say 400
Make sure your 300 Ultra has a 26" barrel
The old 06 is Good But not that good.

How far are you going to shoot?
Ae you really going after LARGE game?
Do you like recoil?  I mean LOTS of recoil

I love mine But it is a Gun I JUST want and I am willing to pay the price with recoil.
It really gets the heavier bullets moving.
The flater trajectory is nice. It helps compensate for long range holdover.
But if you ever must shoot your deer laying on your belly to get a solid rest you are gunna PAY the price.
Heck buy one if you don't you will always wish you had.
Then you can go out and buy a 7-08 and kill everything you ever hunt for.

Offline Robert

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If you get the RUM, get a good scope....
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2003, 05:57:34 AM »
Trust me on this, get a scope with at least 4 inches eye releif.  I dont care HOW BIG you are.  If you get hit in the head with the scope a few times you will definately be flinching.  When I first got mine, I made the mistake of taking a scope off my 30-06 to use on the Ultra-Mag.  That was a bloody mistake.
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Offline smitty72

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2003, 02:02:28 PM »
go for it a friend has one and love it . I don't think you can have too much overkill just my opinion I just purchased a 7mm ultra mag can't wait to shot it

Offline brotherinlaw

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2003, 10:20:11 AM »
Go for it! Hell, if you get tired of deer you could knock down low flying aircraft or an 18 wheeler or two. :-D

Offline TScottO

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2003, 01:33:10 PM »
"...will it be over kill?" Deer, Elk and Moose have been killed with lot lesser rounds. If it were me and I wanted the gun then I'd have to buy it. I'd much rather have more than I need than not quite enough. Just make sure you can put the bullet where you want with a gun that will recoil that heavy. If you're not hitt'en the right spot then all that extra power just looks good at the shooting range.

Good luck and be safe,

Offline Robert

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Don't get me wrong
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2003, 05:24:36 PM »
I LOVE my UltraMag.  It is great for Elk and Bear.  BUT....if you use it for deer.......PRAY that you do not hit a shoulder.  Just a little nick on a shoulder blade will bloodshot a lot of meat.  On the other hand, I could help you with some cast bullet/reduced loads using XMP 5744 that will work excellent for deer.  If you see your deer out at 300 yds, I dont think he will hear you when you rechamber to a hotter round.  And just for the record....yes I can shoot my UM out to 1000 yds...and fairly accurate ON TARGETS.  But when the crap hits the fan.....if my animal is out further than 300 yds.....I usually pass on the shot.  I dont usually take shots any longer than I normally would with a 30-06.  HOW FAST CAN 'YOU' travel 500 YDS TO LOOK FOR A WOUNDED ANIMAL?  And with a little might even find the spot where your animal was hit so you can begin to track blood.
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Offline Colville

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2003, 09:30:20 AM »
I second you robert.  It's one thing to want some extra punch for elk and or extra flat trajectory for deer. My problem with the big mags for deer... if you hit a shoulder on a broadside, you may take out both shoulders on the carry through and lose half your deer. And since for deer, ostensibly, the reason you use a mag is because you want to shoot waaaay out there, you have significantly increased the risk that you ARE going to hit a shoulder. That vitals shot off the shoulder is not all that big to begin with and if you start shooting 4+ inch groups at 400 yards or pull the shot even slightly......

Anyhow, I won't shoot 400 yards at deer in any event and I'm unashamed to say I don't shoot anywhere near enough to make it an ethical deal.  Two years ago a guy in my party lost the whole front half of his doe he shot with a 7 mag, jellied both shoulders. He would have with an 06 too as it was an aweful shot, but the damage of the mags is awesome and I think uneccessary for deer. I also am of the opinion that there are but a handful of hunters in every 100 that have any business taking 300+ yard shots to begin with, and almost none of them are working from "factory ammo" . I don't discourage the ownership of any gun, I love em all. I'd go .270 for flat shooting deer round if you hunt at long distances and I'd leave the mag for the elk and bear.


Offline Robert

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Yeah Colville
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2003, 11:16:48 AM »
I took a deer 3 years ago with a 30-06, and just knicked a the thinnest part of a shoulderblade. It messed up BOTH sholders real bad.  The one deer I took with the 300 was very lucky. The bullet completly inflated the skin off the ribs in a diameter of aboout 18 inches around the entry wound.  I seriously beleive that within 300 yds, a 30-06 has MORE knockdown power than the 300's.  The 300 zips through so fast that there isnt any retained energy.  I have shot Elk 100+- yds and had them just stand there and look at me like nothing happened.  The bullet blows through so fast it takes them a few moments to realize they are hurt.  Darndest thing I ever saw.
  P.S. Havent been to Colville in many years, sure is pretty up there.  Are there still a lot of old hippies?
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Offline Colville

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2003, 11:54:37 AM »
Robert, I go to Colville to hunt.. but it's not home. I meet lots of folk but none I'd call a hippie. But You do see some of that type as you drive out of town, in their 5 acre pieces on the hiway. Lots and lots of logger folk. On the other side of that though, I have come across a marijuana grow on a deer hunt. Nice seep on a south facing slope full of bud. The guys doing this, they aren't hippies and they are NOT gun control advocates. One does not linger in these places, deer season or no.

And no, I did not my pockets.  :eek:


Offline Dogshooter

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remington 300 ultra mag
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2003, 06:11:55 AM »
You may want to look at the 300 RSAUM also. I have one in a Model Seven and have had one shot kills on 2 elk, 3 deer and it is a real pleasure to tote. The recoil ain't all that bad and the stooping power is impressive.
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