Shooting technique may help you out too. Bigger fella's seem to take it on the chin (no pun intended) from recoil worse than smaller guys. If you're mainly a shotgunner you are probably facing the gun a bit square, like you would shooting birds. Rotate a bit right, shoot across your body, if that makes sense.
The left hand can be a tremendous recoil reducer. Grab a fistful of gun, foreend and barrel if your hand is large enough. Control the gun with the left hand, holding the gun back and down. You can really cut the perception doing that.
Lastly, let your lower back relax. Let the recoil push your upper body, keep the cheek weld, and let your body roll just above the hips.
It takes some practise, but when you finally get it, even lightweight 458's aren't too bad for the first couple boxes offhand.
Off the bench, get a bag of shot and put the butt on this, then the shot to your shoulder. 25 pounds of added gun weight does something for recoil.