Author Topic: Sierra 375 SBT in 375 JDJ  (Read 328 times)

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Offline mkee

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Sierra 375 SBT in 375 JDJ
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:26:57 PM »
Has anybody shot this bullet in the 375 JDJ?  I've shot the Hornady 220 FP and I will shortly be working up a load for the Hornady 270 SP, but I really like the looks of the Sierra bullet.  If anybody out there has any load data for this bullet, let me know please.

Offline Jay HHI6818

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Sierra 375 SBT in 375 JDJ
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2004, 05:03:11 PM »
 Are you referring to the Sierra 250 grain Spitzer Boat Tail bullet?
About ten years ago I called Sierra Tech line and was told that the 250 SBT was to hard to expand at the 375JDJ velocities. I had to laugh. I belong to JD's SIXGUNNER and old DOC Rogers, had shot several W.Va. deer with it and spoke highly of it! I have never used it but I'll see if I can go back and find Doc's load for it. Might take some time.

Offline mkee

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RE: 375 JDJ
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2004, 03:59:01 PM »
Jay, thanks for the reply.  I sent JD an email about the gun and the load I wanted to use.  He replied and said that the Sierra bullet probably wouldn't expand well for game hunting even though it was a very accurate bullet.  It is the GameKing bullet, and I believe it was designed for guns like the 375 H&H.  But I did some shooting this weekend with Hornady's 270 gr SP.  It was plenty accurate for hunting, and the velocity was averaging about 1900 fps.  I plan to get some 270 gr Speer boat tail bullets and do some test shooting with them.  The BC is much greater, and I hope the bullet will expand well enough at 100 yds for hunting.
Thanks again for the reply.