Ok guys here's a fun topic.
I have a haydels variable tone mallard with the keyhole on the end of the bell. They run about $15 and hold up fairly well. My dad who destroys everything (lol sorry dad) goes thru roughly one a season between losing them, stepping on them, etc. They don't all sound the same outta the box so if you buy one try it first. They do pretty well with the reed not sticking untill you've basically worn them out.
I also have one of those wingsetter whistles that I use for sprig, teal and widgeon. Some days on the Sprague River in Oregon you can hit high flocks of migrating widgeon with the whistle and they just drop out of the sky.
For specks I have some haydel's speck call. The problem with these is at least half of em are crap from the factory, you need to find one that works good or try to tune it yourself. With those singles and pairs and triples I like to alternate the tone to sound like 2 specks calling. When it works its like candy from a baby.
What do you use and how do you like it? I'm always open to trying new calls. :grin: