Author Topic: Pitting in bore  (Read 490 times)

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Pitting in bore
« on: September 25, 2004, 03:48:22 PM »
Just picked up a rifle and the last owner told me that there were marks in the bore.There are pits threw most of the bore(lands and groves) but I would say the bore rates 90% at the worst( just my opinion). Very sharp and clean but pitting is visible.Should I just shoot it and see what it does or is there any way it can be fixed. Thanks

Offline sgtt

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Pitting in bore
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2004, 07:18:01 PM »
Clean it really well and shoot it.
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Offline gunnut69

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Pitting in bore
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2004, 08:33:03 AM »
I don't believe I'd try cast bullets but badly pitted bores will shoot jacketed slugs just fine.  They foul more rapidly than a good bore but in most hunting situations that hardly matters.  A lot depends on the degree of pitting and the pits depth.  I'd shoot it and see how well it shoots.  If groups begin to open then a quick cleaning with a good jacket metal remover such as Sweets 7.62 is indicated.  That should restore the rifle's grouping ability.  Remember a rifle bore DOES NOT have to be completely clean to shoot well and pitted bores even more so.  Once a certain point is reached the filling of the pitts with jacket fouling slows...  Only clean thoroughly when storing for long periods, else the pitts will get worse.. Someitmes lapping can help problem bores..
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Offline Hooker

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Pitting in bore
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2004, 12:58:19 PM »
I have a 1917 when I bought it it shot fairly well, until I decided it needed a good cleaning. Afterwards the bore was shinney but rough and pitted badly. Now it wont group in a bucket, throwing shots all over the map.
It's in the back off my closet waiting to be rebarreled.
Light pitting maybe cured with lapping ,but if you cant get it all out it will foul and not shoot so well. Although if the edges of the rifling are good and no pits break through it may very well shoot cast lead bullets well. I have a muzzle loader like that. It shoots patched round balls very well even though the bore looks like the Arizona land scape.

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