No, not sighted in yet. Hope to remedy that this week.
The target I got from Cabela's sold as a crossbow target wasn't. The very first bolt stuck it and I do mean STUCK! I couldn't budge it trying to pull it out. My oldest son who is a big strong rascal of 38 tried and couldn't budge it. We finally took it over to the concrete parking pad and put arrow tip on concrete and both pushed down on target and it slowly came even and we pulled it out. Needless to say I put it away.
I've called Cabela's and they are sending me a free shipping label to return it for credit. I got to Wal-Mart today and picked up what I think is the Morrell target that Knight & Hale advertise on TV. Their picture is on the label but the Morrell name isn't. I plan to do some shooting tomorrow and maybe will get it sighted in then.
But first shot hit real close so sighting in should go easily I think. With the new crank cocker Horton sent I should now have no problems cocking it. I'm expecting smooth sailing with it from here. Archery deer season opens Oct. 15 and I hope to be out with it then.