i liked both the .32 H&hr and .32-20 well enough to have carbine barrels made up in both chamberings for my TC.. barrel length was 16.5" on the .32 mag, 18" on the .32-20... i later sold them during a fit of stupidity, then about a year later ordered a 20" .32-20..its here for keeps this time...
the .32 mag was a great carbine, and shot really low-powered loads better than the .32-20 did... i used to shoot some 98 gr SWC loads at about 850 fps that were about as loud as a .22 to squirrel hunt. also found that the hornady 110 gar .308 rnsp (30 carbine bullet) shoots through a coyote from about any angle in max loads from the .32 H&R over a max load of AA#7.. there was an article years back (skeeter skelton maybe?) when the Single six first came out, he hot-loaded the .32 H&R quite a bit over factory specs, which if i remember were held to about 20,000 CUP pressure in factory ammo; which is MUCH less other max loads in straight wall mags like the .357/.41/.44... there was also a later article about the .32 mag in the S&W 16 in shooting times with some good data.. i have all of it if you are interested. drop me a line at fyrepowrx@aol.com with your info, i can mail it out, i have never scanned it in. you wont be disappointed with this one in a carbine, its nice to shoot something that doesnt beat you to death or leave you shell-shocked.
i eventually ordered a 25/20 to do my squirrel hunting with, so never did get another .32 mag to go with my .32/20 carbine, but i am still thinkin about it... you cant have too many barrels...