A long awaited rifle has arrived today. Several long months ago a very unique rifle came into my possession. A pre-WWII model 70 in 30-06, converted to left hand. Who did the work I am not sure but it was well done. After only a few seconds of deliberation on which caliber it should be, the 35 Whelen of course, it went off to LaBounty's for reboring. It arrived today and looks great. My only challenge is that I go back on shift Thursday and won't be able to get to the range for a week. Tomorrow is out, we agreed to take a friend to the airport. Darn my good side anyway. I have decided that I will be shooting 250 and 275 grain bullets. I have loads worked up with Hornady 250 RN's and SP's. I just picked up some Kodiak 275 grainers and will try them soon. I also have some cast loads worked up with the Lyman 358318 cast with wheelweights. I made need counseling or a support group to get through this week. I haven't looked forward to a new rifle in a long time like I have this one. It shot very well as a 30-06 so hopefully it will shoot well again. Thanks for listening to me prattle on. Mart