I installed my Rifle Basix trigger today. I left early for work excited to try out my Improved rifle. Much to my dissapointment when I uncased my rifle at the range the bolt seemed to be very much more difficult to open, and every time I closed the bolt the striker fell. After some research back at home I discovered 2 things. First, I am open to admitting my own mistakes, I had misadjusted the trigger causing enough of a lack of sear engagement as to allow the striker to fall upon closing of the bolt. Second, the problem with the stiffness of the bolt is a result of the rear action mounting screw protuding through the reciever and contacting the bottom of the bolt! Again in fairness I did not use a torque wrench on this screw so I may have overtightened. However I believe that it is most likely due to several factors; the screw may be too long, I may have overtightened, and the stock material may be a little soft, most likely all of the above. I am sure that if I just do a little filing on the end of the screw, or use a thin washer that this problem will be solved. I will post results here soon.