:roll: I beg to differ 6bits. The latest of several poor evaluations of new Winchesters was in this fall's Outdoor Life Deer Hunting edition. John Barseness, gun editor, was sent the new Mod. 70, .300 WSM. You would think when they get free publicity they would send a good product. Even fitted with an $1,800$ Swvarovski Scope, as Barseness put it, the 100yd groups were mediocre at best. The best group from three different ammo types was 2.8". The best he could adjust the trigger to was 3lb 15oz.
I was in the largest gun shop I know of recently, Jay's in Clare MI., they have over 1,000 long guns in stock of every manufacture. I asked the manager flat out, "what is the best made, most accurate, well built rifle you sell here... right out of the box?" He said, "Sako, Weatherby and Tikka", none of the others guarantee MOA or better, nor do they fire test the rifles at 100 yds before they go in the box. I would LOVE to see the personal quality control go back into Winchester as it was before they were bought out three years ago.
I don't doubt you got a good shooter in your Mod. 70 6Bits but if you have been reading the threads here for a while Winchester has not been satisfactory for many of us who've bought them the past few years.
Terry, for about 450$ you can hardly beat a Tikka and for 100 more the Whitetail(Master) Deluxe(wood) is similar but even more striking than a Browning Medallion(with subMOA accuracy and a 2-3#trigger). Go to a good gun shop and make sure the rifle fits you and is the proper style for your shooting/hunting needs. Get quality scope mounts/rings and the best glass you can afford. Good Hunting!