Hi Ya'll, I just came in from the knife shop to have a tuna sandwich and saw this intresting question. 10-15 Lb weight drags: No.
If they are round or square, NO, a coon is a strong critter and will book off with them. If it were a 10Lb big limb, or a grappel with that much weight on it that would catch and hold on stuff, sure. Some of my drags don't weigh that much. But I never liked those grappels for drags. Those big hooks the fur buyer loves to sell, they are inadaquate as drags because of their lack of weight. I told my fur buyer that rather than a grappel, I would use the 40Lb rail road plates for drags. I guess I am into weight, and he doesn't like to carry that much weight out on the line. I trap the same place every year, and have weights stashed out on the line that have been there, some of them, 20 years! I caught a Coyote in a #3 L/s O/s 18 years ago, and I still remember him! The poor critter was way off from where the set was and I followed the drag marks and finally found him. In the creek! Up to his shoulders in cold water!
Just siting there with a worried look, wondering what to do next. The trap chain and grappel was hung up under water and he was lucky I found him.
I never use stakes either, mostly big limbs and never have any trouble with them.