For factory, I really like the 300grain horndy...a smooth shoot in my 4 5/8 sbh...but reloading is what keeps me shootin' God Bless Mr. Dillion...
I use 6-10 grains of unique over a 300grain gc lead bullet...6 grains makes a nice cowboy feel, as does wife favorite gun is my 44 with 7 grains...
Reloading is great, helps me teach newbie's with what few guns I got...a 6 grain round out of my 44s is like shooting a 38...if not easier...then when I take my 15 year old nephew its the 10 grains for him...he out shoots his uncle, and loves the recoil...
My recomendation for your new beautiful SBH hunter...have the trigger lightened with the wolf springs...that gun is my favorite 44 I have shot, and could kick myself for not buying it instead of the SRH...
Fred :toast: Happy thanksgivin' Y'all, time to thank the Blessed Creator for His awsome gifts!!!