You make a good point. I certainly don't consider the hunting stuff junk mail, and I certainly appreciate the site sponsor, and will do my best to buy from him when I need something.
From my point of view, personalized service, being able to talk to someone on the phone and reasonable prices are what I'm interested in.
Call me a paranoid right winger, but identity theft is a huge problem, and security is worth more to me than the small chance of a big prize! It is estimated that 10's of thousands of dollars, and several years are required to fix this should it happen to you!
This is something businesses are going to have to address, that being if I give you my name and address, what are you going to do with it, and how do I know you'll follow my wishes of privacy?
Now, that said, I'd like a 75% chance of winning an Africian safari, all expenses paid, and a gentlemans agreement that my personal information stays personal.