Author Topic: Im a noob... Marlin 981T good?  (Read 670 times)

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Offline UTnoobshooter

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Im a noob... Marlin 981T good?
« on: October 11, 2004, 04:34:00 PM »
Ok, Im a noob to the shooting world.
background info
I go to UT...go horns!
I literally have no experience with firearms.

I was checking around and I'd like to get a Marlin 981T as a starter rifle. A couple of my friends recommended it bc it was so darn cheap. Other than that, I don't know much about the gun. I plan to use it at a range (Red's indoor in ATX) and sometimes for a little small game.

Is it a good buy?
Would you get one? (If you already have one, if you go back in time..would you still get it?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Offline Joe44

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Im a noob... Marlin 981T good?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 10:57:44 AM »
I haven't heard anything about the rifle that you are talking about, but I would say not buy it yet. you talked about an indoor range that you would shoot at. If you truly don't know anything about guns, then go to that range and ask one of the members there that you are thinking of becoming a member there and would like to find someone who could spend some time with you and show you the ropes, and if he doesn't have time, if he knows someone that does. I think that most shooters, knowing that an hour of their time would bring in another shooter would gladly answer most of your questions and probably let you shoot their rifle to see if you want to buy the model they have.   I know that over the years, I have helped introduce alot of new shooters, and I hope they pay me back by introducing others to the sport also.    Also, your state probably has a hunter's safety program, sign up for that also, and take it even if you haven't bought a gun yet.


Offline UTnoobshooter

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Im a noob... Marlin 981T good?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2004, 01:00:19 PM »
thanks a lot.
i went to my local gun shop. free plug for mcbride's.
they were very helpful and gave me a number of choices.

Offline Joe44

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Im a noob... Marlin 981T good?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2004, 01:27:30 PM »
I think that the rifle you are looking at is the same rifle my buddy has. Marlin bolt action 22mag. if it is, then after some work that is one shootin' rifle. My buddy is turning into one heck of a basement gunsmith and he has worked the trigger, added another screw in the back of the stock so the action is held in two places so he could freefloat the barrel, pillar and glass bedded the action and lapped the barrel. I can't remember what kind of groups he said he is getting, but he takes prarie dogs reguarly at 150yds, and when the wind is right, I've seen him hit them alot farther than that. I sincerely hope that whatever rifle you buy, you become a regular at the range.


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« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2004, 01:19:43 PM »
If you go to and look under bolt action .22s, you will see all the stats on the rifle.  I plan to buy this rifle myself.  I've done a fair amount of research and it appears to be a winner.  I currently have a  Marlin model 60 and three Rom military trainer bolt action .22s.  Looks to be a nice rifle for the $$.  FWIW, Wally world has them for $135.  Cheapest I've been able to find one.  Good luck!