I wrote a letter to our other commie rep, Senator Fienstien, about this same issue. I asked her to prove that this law ever reduced crime.
She finally wrote me back and for the most part simply stated she'll never give up the gun control fight. She did make a claim that during the ban, assault weapon tracings to crime was reduced buy one third.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that means, but I'm positive it does NOT say any crimes were reduced by one third.
Funny, to me you don't anyone publishing ANY detailed facts that show how that ban was a crime reducer. In Los Angeles, CA, in fact the was an LA Times article talking about how gunshot homicides had gone down, BUT homicides in general had risen by about 4%.
Like I told our great Senator, does this mean that when someone want to kill bad enough they'll find a way? It sure does, and it proves the weapons are not the enemy, just a tool in the wrong hands.
I'm sure she'll sign some law here to release prisoners early to help prison overcrowding issues too. That'll help crime!!!!