Author Topic: If you could only buy one contender barrel...  (Read 1422 times)

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Offline hardertr

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If you could only buy one contender barrel...
« on: October 16, 2004, 06:37:17 AM »
I have a 30-30 (10"), 44Mag (10") and 223 (14").

I don't want a barrel that's TOO similar to what I already have.  My occasional will be used for hunting deer primarily, with the occassional turkey, rabbit and hopefully hogs someday.

If you had a choice between a 35 Rem, 30 Herrett, 375 JDJ or 45-70..which would you choose assuming they were all priced within $10 of each other?  I do reload, so finding ammo wouldn't be a factor.

I've searched the forum and found pro's and con's for each.  I'm just not very familiar with these "non main-stream" rounds.

If there is any caliber I am overlooking that you feel a collection just can't be without, please bring it to my attention.

Thanks for your advice,
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Offline palgeno

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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2004, 07:13:40 AM »
.375 JDJ for sure----the others cannot compare in any respect. :wink:  pg
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Offline jhalcott

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2004, 11:02:59 AM »
I'd probably go for the 14" 375 jdj. I have a 45-70 and it KICKS.  I don't think the 375 jdj has as much recoil from the shooting I have done with friends guns. The 30 herret and 35Rem and 30-30 are close cousins. Though the 30-30 in a 14" is better IMO than a 10" one. A 7-30 waters is a nice barrel since you hand load. It can Pass factory ballistics easily with good hand loads.Again it would be a replacement for the 10" 30-30.
  Now we are back to the 375jdj again. I know a guy who lives in Washington state that uses his 375jdj on every thing from ground squirrel to elk. You can't get more versatile than that.

Offline K2

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Re: If you could only buy one contender barrel...
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2004, 02:10:41 PM »
Since your .44 or 30-30 barrel will do the job for deer, seems to me the choice is obvious, a .22 match chamber in 10 inch.  Why?  Simple you will fire 10+ shots in it for every shot you fire in any of the others, cheep to shoot and accurate to boot, I am surprised you don't have one already ;~)

Good luck, and have fun!
Quote from: hardertr
I have a 30-30 (10"), 44Mag (10") and 223 (14").

I don't want a barrel that's TOO similar to what I already have.  My occasional will be used for hunting deer primarily, with the occassional turkey, rabbit and hopefully hogs someday.

If you had a choice between a 35 Rem, 30 Herrett, 375 JDJ or 45-70..which would you choose assuming they were all priced within $10 of each other?  I do reload, so finding ammo wouldn't be a factor.

I've searched the forum and found pro's and con's for each.  I'm just not very familiar with these "non main-stream" rounds.

If there is any caliber I am overlooking that you feel a collection just can't be without, please bring it to my attention.

Thanks for your advice,

Offline mkee

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I agree...
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2004, 06:26:54 PM »
I have to agree w/ K2.  No collection should be without a 22 barrel.  I didn't get one until I'd been shooting for at least a year, and it was probably the one I should have started with.  It helps you to know your gun, and get used to the trigger.  Besides my 22, I'd have to keep the 35 Remington.  Loaded with 180 gr Hornady SSP bullets, it'll take down any deer I want to shoot at in central AL.  And at the bench it is surprisingly very accurate.  But I'm not getting rid of any barrel I have anytime soon.  I like them all too much, just wish I had more time to shoot them.

Offline toecutter

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2004, 08:39:42 PM »
I'm sort of ignorant on the subject, but can you get the contender in 6.5 swede? That would seem to fit all of your criteria.

Offline RonF

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2004, 01:43:54 AM »
No, the pressure - case diameter combination of the Swede is way too much for the Contender.  If you want something in a 6.5 then the 6.5 JDJ is the way to go.  I've always been curious how a 6.5x50 mm Jap would work in a Contender, especially an improved one, or a 6.5x220 Swift.  The case body is smaller than the '06 size, but a bit larger than the .30-30 size.  It would seem to me there ought to be a point where better performance at acceptable pressures could be obtained, but I've never tried it.


Offline Jay HHI6818

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2004, 07:40:19 AM »

You mentioned a 6.5x220 Swift. I have a 6.5 JDJ Mini-Dreadnought Encore barrel. You should see the case after it is fire formed. 60 degree shoulder and as close to straight walled as you can get. The 120 will do 2725 FPS and I have not chronographed any 140's.

Offline wheelgun

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« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2004, 01:39:14 PM »
Thats easy the 375 JDJ I don't have one but would love to get one.

Offline Somerled

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2004, 01:44:14 PM »
Of the four you have listed, the .375 JDJ would be my pick.
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Offline rickyp

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2004, 03:12:03 AM »
I too would have to go with the 375 jdj.

I have one and have loaded most bullets I can find for it.
I even loaded .375 pure lead round balls and cast bullets with good results.
The 375 round ball is very accurate out to about 50 yards and has enough energy to go clean trough a 2 inch tree at 25 yards.

Offline skb2706

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2004, 03:44:06 AM »
"My occasional will be used for hunting deer primarily, with the occassional turkey, rabbit and hopefully hogs someday."

turkeys + rabbits + .375 JDJ = no turkey, no rabbit just fur and feathers. Might want to consider buying more than one barrel.

Offline jhalcott

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2004, 04:13:46 PM »
From the pictures of those Washington state ground squirrels hit with the 375JDJ I think you'd have lots of turkey or bunny left to enjoy! The guys that I know hunt deer with the 375 claim LESS meat destruction than from a 308,

Offline myronman3

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2004, 01:29:42 PM »
i will agree with k2 and mgee.   22lr or 22 mag.   personally i would get the 22lr.  the other calibers you have will cover the other critters.

Offline Neutron

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2004, 05:08:57 PM »
Search for posts on the 357 max.  It gives you 35 rem performance with less kick and a straight walled case which might be a smidgeon easier to reload.  Saves the worry about how far if any to set back the shoulder.  It is one of the most efficient rounds that I could find and all the reports on performance on game are pretty good.  Plus you can shoot regular 357mag ammo for plinking with even lower recoil.  Another straight walled case that is just behind the 375jdj is the 375 winchester.  If you like bigger booms and recoil or are going after elephants or grizzleys the 373jdj is the ticket but bambi probably won't noitice if that big hole is made at a couple of hundred fps less out of the 375win.  A 7-30 waters in a 14" would probably give you just about the greatest long range potiential you can get out of a contender pistol.  I am planning to get one of those or the 7mm TCU because I have some 7mm bullets laying around, thats a good enough reason right?

Offline hardertr

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sorry for the oversight
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2004, 02:41:50 PM »
OK guys...NOW I am ready to start adding to my collection!

I can't believe I didn't even think to add a 22lr.  I just picked one up off of E-bay at a fairly good price.

:roll:  DON'T TELL MY WIFE...she thinks I got her something for CHRISTmas from E-bay.

I was looking at the 357, simply because I already have a 686..and it just makes sense to have another that I can use for hunting.

I was also looking at the 7-30 waters, but couldn't find one "at a discount".  Call me cheap, but if I can save $20-$30 bucks on every barrel I buy, eventually I'll save enough to get one "free".

As far as a decent gun for deer in heavy brush, is the 44mag fairly ideal?
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Offline JC

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2004, 09:27:46 AM »
375 JDJ is the more versitale of the ones mentioned. If you are going to hunt those central texas white tails you might give the 7x30 Waters a 5th and 6th look.  I shoot one for a while with 120 grain hornady's and 130 sierra's and they will do a number on a deer or hog. I miss living in San Angelo, I love to shoot those Jack Rabbits out there. Also a place out in Tennyson towards Bronte were a buddy of mine has Varmint problems u might look that direction.


Offline Lone Star

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If you could only buy one contender barrel.
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2004, 05:09:48 PM »
Search for posts on the 357 max.  It gives you 35 rem performance with less kick and a straight walled case which might be a smidgeon easier to reload.  Saves the worry about how far if any to set back the shoulder.
While the .357Maxi is a great cartridge, it is no .35 Remington.  It would be "better" in a 10" barrel due to a lot less blast, but the .35 still wins in velocity.  From Speer data in 14" barrels:

.357 Maxi 180@1849fps = 1367 fpe
.35 Rem 180@2023 = 1636 fpe

.357 Maxi 200@1613 = 1156 fpe
.35 Rem 200@1791 = 1425 fpe

Remember that the .35 Remington data is at the low factory pressures which can safely be iincreased; the .357 Maxi is at max pressure for the cartridge.    The .35 Remington is also easier to reload because all it needs is neck sizing if you use decent brass.  The Maxi needs a carbide sizing die AND a neck expander die - an extra step not needed with the .35 Remington.  I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from using the Maxi - it is a fine cartridge - but the .35 Rem has more power....and recoil and blast too. :roll: