When I was single and living alone in my 500sq ft apartment. I didn't have enough room for a permanent reloading bench, I created my own little portable bench.
I bought a cheap little black & decker router table. It was about 12-18" tall, and the top was roughly 18"x24". I then used 2x12 scraps from a job and framed a 2'x3' frame. Used a scrap pc of countertop I scrounged from a jobsite, trimmed it to fit the frame, & used it for the top. Mounted the router table to it, and put casters (scrounged from somewhere, I forget now) on the bottom. Then mounted my press on one side of the router table, powder drop scale & trickler on the other, and trimmer on one end. It worked great for several years. Sure, it was kinda small, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I could roll it out of the closet, load ammo on Sundays while watching the NASCAR race, and put it back up when done. I loaded many thousand rounds on this set-up. Only cost me like $25 for the little metal router table. Having the base built the way it was, was also handy to store components on the shelf underneath.
Thinking back, I sometimes cherish those days waking up at noon after a night of partying, rolling out the reloading bench, and sitting there (sometimes still in my fruit of the looms), drinking coffee and loading ammo while watching Earnhardt (Sr.) kick some butt. Now I have to pretty much kick the wife and kid out of the house for a few hours so I can get some peace and quiet to sit down at my relatively large 3'x7' dedicated reloading bench.