Well I am going to go out into REAL deep water here. Take your best shots, but think em thru.
The discussion here, and I am not sure how this happened, evolved into some amount of personalizing. That is an incorrect way to approach the debate. Thoughts are personal, I think we would all agree, however, disagreements should not be personalized.
The original discussion was on heritage, which quickly expanded to culture and traditions. These are not the same things folks. They can contain some of the same elements but they are not the same horse.
Now this is what I think, me think, and El should correct me if I am wrong.
What EL has proposed, for all to hear, and for a long time now, is a return to the Civil War and continue the fight. Never ever give it up.
I do not know what this has to do with heritage--tradition maybe, but not heritage.
Folks, when you talk about Yankees this and yankees that, and glorify the old South TRADITIONS, what you are doing is looking at history thru another set of rose colored glasses. Those days were not, in my opinion, all that glorious and great. It was a hard scrabble existence for ALL except the landed gentry. Kinda takes you back to England and Europe don't it, and it should, because that is the kind of traditions and culture the OLD SOUTH was built on. The heritage, and this is new heritage, given only recently by the founding fathers, we are considering here is a radical heritage, dare I say the word LIBERAL.
Boys, the Civil war was not fought over heritage. The Civil war was fought over traditions and culture.
Now, if you want to continue this fight, secede again, and start it all over, and this is what, I think, EL would like to do, then my suggestions are two fold. Think thru States rights as applied to the South, and what they wanted, and make sure this is what you really want. Also consider if you really think it would survive. I think it would fold quicker than a house of cards in a hurricane.