did a little coyote calling this morning. at 9 minutes 40 seconds into the call i spied a pair of ears peaking over the top of the rise to my immediate right.
now being a right handed shooter this presented an enigma. the critter was right at 100 yards moving at a slow walk. he stopped , looked at the caller and then stared a hole right thru me. it was obvious my camo was not doing the job. he gave a quick glance back at the caller. there would be no way to turn to get the shot without getting totally busted.
he turned to make a hasty retreat, this was my chance. the shooting sticks were picked up and moved in one swift move. there was no way i was going to get both hands on the rifle or my face completely down on the stock. it ended up being a one handed shot with a birdseye view thru the scope. k-plop, as the 32 gr vmax hit square behind the front shoulder.
upon inspection it was a pleasure to not be able to find the entrance hole much less and exit hole. and that's the rest of the story.