Range report: nice gun, nice handling (for a small frame)
hammer rubbed against the frame at the left side, but I put a bit of polishing paste on the hammer, that solved itself after a hundred shots.
Cleaned up the mess, oiled it and it works flawlessly now.
with regular .22 ammo, it shoots about a foot low at 25 yds.
I tried raising the rear sight assembly, but at it's most upward position it still shoots low.
I thought before shooting that the front ramp/post was quite high, and it actually is.
Is there a way to alter the front post (blued)? I was thinking of machining a similar thing, and filing of until it shoots POA, but than I won't have that nice blue finish (I haven't tried to 'blue' any steel myself, but if it isn't that costly and complicated, I probably will try to do so).
Does anyone has any advice? I like to try other things before I have to machine that dovetailed post myself...