Author Topic: Thompson or not ?  (Read 1599 times)

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Offline WisconsinHunter

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Thompson or not ?
« on: October 27, 2004, 12:45:46 AM »
I recently retired and moved to Wisconsin where I love to hunt. Unfortunatly I came down with an eye disease called Macular Degeneration. I can no longer look through a rifle scope with my left eye, and I'm a southpaw. I tried shooting right handed and just couldnt get comfortable... I was told that a Thompson Center FIre pistol with a Red Dot Scope might be the answer for me as you look through the Red Dot with both eyes open .....any opinions on this.. My brother has a Thompson 44 Mag with a Red Dot and 15 inch barrel he wants to trade me for my deer rifle...
Bob N.

Offline Special Ed

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2004, 02:57:50 AM »
If that sight setup will work for you then go for it! The 44 mag in the Contender is a 100yd sledgehammer on deer. If you are recoil sensitive you should consider mag-na-port or a muzzle break. The grips might need to be changed to pachmayers since you are a southpaw.
But be warned......Thompsons are very habit forming & they multiply like crazy. You start with one.........

Offline Tad Houston

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2004, 05:24:31 AM »
I really like the red dot for hunting, as long as shots are not too far. I use one for jumping hog beds because it is so fast. Both eyes open, swing the red dot up, lead the running pig and WHAM! Also it can be used as a range finder  of sorts- at 100 yards a 4moa dot covers a 4" spot, so if you can keep them all in 4" at a 100, you will know the bullet will always hit in red out to about the distance the dot covers vitals on a deer. if the dot is bigger than the vitals, the shot is too far- does this make any sense? Any way this theory could be tested at the range. :D

Offline haroldclark

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Thompson or not?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 07:09:19 AM »
I have not had a severe problem with my right eye, but I can see much better with the left eye.  I shoot rifles and handguns, but I will shoot more Thompson Contenders/Encores than anything else and I use my left eye to sight with.  I have used a red dot out to 200 meters, but the dot covers the target pretty much.  If you had a 1 or 2 minute dot, you would be in the money.

The mention of 44 Mag Recoil was made by one of the guys and he is correct.  If you are old enough to be retiring, you may be like I am and not able to stand all that butt kicking any more like the younger gentlemen that hang out on Graybeard.

Muzzle Brakes:  Last year, I sent my 308 15" Encore barrel to EABCO for a J.P. Howitzer Muzzle brake installation.  It reduced full 308 loads down to about a 357 mag level, but the noise and blast out the side was severe.

Last month, I sent the same barrel to a local gunsmith and had a Darrel Holland brake put on to replace the Howitzer.  I also, sent my 30-30 16.5 " barrel in too.  Now, this is sweet.  I have fired over 100 rounds through both barrels since and I like it.

I have a new 7mm BR barrel coming any day now from Dave Van Horn with his muzzle brake.  He assured me that it was better than the Holland, but this is a wait and see.

There is more noise with a brake, but the Holland is the best one I've seen on a handgun so far.  The reduction in felt recoil and muzzle jump is worth it with the Holland.  I don't hunt anything but steel critters, so I always wear ear protection.  However, if I did hunt, I would be wearing the amplified hearing protectors anyway.  An animal could step on my face before I heard anything without assistance.  I'm not saying that I am deaf, but the Doctor told me not to waste my money buying an expensive sterreo unit.

Harold Clark

Offline WisconsinHunter

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 12:53:53 PM »
Thanks fella's.  I especially found the info on muzzle breaks interesting... My Brother is bringing the gun here early next week and I'll get a chance to shoot it and see how the Red Dot works for me...hopefully I can hit what I aim at.
      I think SPECIAL ED has a good point .....I'm thinking that if I like the 44 mag 15 inch I might just order a 308 Win. Barrel.    I don't even own one yet and already I'm talking like I'm on the verge of being addicted.
     Once again , Thanks for your input.

                                                                         Bob N.
Bob N.

Offline palgeno

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2004, 08:03:07 AM »
The .308 is an excellent barrel in the 15 inch Encore mode. Mine is very accurate---loves Nosler 150 gr BT's and Pt's. Speer 165's work well also. I think .44 mag is better as a revolver round.  .454 would be a better Encore round than .44 mag. But .308 will give accuracy at much greater ranges. But, Hey!!! You're going to buy them all eventually!!!! :eek:  :cry:   pg
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Offline palgeno

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.44 mag contender
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2004, 09:11:45 AM »
Man!!! I must be running low on caffiene----forgot to add----I think .44mag is more useful in a revolver and would work well with a red dot----I have a revolver set up that way and it is great for fast acquisition of the target. Parallax is set on 50 yds on most brands----just right for .44mag ranges ----on a Contender a scope is usually better, but try it!-- especially if you get a trade for something you can use for something you cannot use. If you drift toward .308, you are now looking at an Encore.The range capability  of the .308 would be wasted with a red dot. pg
"Do what you can,with what you have, where you are."  Theodore Roosevelt

Offline armory414

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2004, 09:15:27 AM »
Most of the deer I've shot here in Ohio I've shot within 75 yards with shotgun.  I plan on using a 15" Encore in .44 mag this year.  I've been getting 3" groups at 50 yards shooting offhand and using a Tasco red-dot scope.  I need a bit more practice to hold steady for the 100 yard shots, but I just put a sling on my Encore to help with that.  I don't know how Wisconsin is, but if you are restricted to straight-wall cartridges like here in Ohio then the .44 mag would be a good choice.

Offline WisconsinHunter

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« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2004, 11:40:14 AM »
You guys have really got my interest perked......So today I took a 60 mile ride to a Gander Mountain store and looked at a couple of used TCF's.  One was a 7X30 Stainless Steel Contender with a 16 Inch had a Thompson Scope on it  and a couple of spring loaded legs for a rest..also has a sling.......I'm not familiar with this round.
    Anyway they was Asking $680.00 for it .
        Let me re-iterate that the Red Dot scope is because of an eye disease I have......So while I was there I looked thru a Red Dot scope for the first time....this particular scope had several different settings.....two different size dots.....a big red "X" and one other .  I looked thru it at various things in the store  some as far as 50 to 70 yards away ..and it gave me a good now I'm sold on the fact thats it what I need to continue hunting despite my eye problem......Once again thanks for all the replies.....I'm not gonna buy that gun cause the scope comes with it and I don't need the scope at all....but now I'm sure I'll find the Thompson thats perfect for me.
Bob N.

Offline singleshotfan

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2004, 12:28:01 AM »
As long as your shots do not need magnification  the red dot is good for deer and hog. My son and I use RD's on pistol and rifles due to being right handed and left eyed.

Offline WisconsinHunter

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Good news, I think.
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2004, 04:39:29 AM »
Well , for you guys that tried to help me with this decision on a Tompson Contender 44 Mag.......heres the news.    My brother came up and brought the 44 with him ...Its a 15 inch with a Tasco Red Dot scope.
      The first time I fired it was at 50 yards      and I put a 1/2 group together....but high and right .  I aimed low left and the shots were coming into the bull but still a bit high .  I adjsted the windage and they were still grouping nicely a bit right of center....but still high .....
      I would say I'm about 6 inches high at 50 yards.   I fired about 25 rounds.    
      Today I'm gonna take it out again and adjust the elevation but wondered just how high I should leave it at 50 yards... I did fire some from 70 yards and only two rounds at 100 yards...I could just be the shooter ....but I didn't notice a marked difference in elevation at either range........
      BUT.......I'm thrilled.....its obvious to me that this gun is coing to extend my hunting life......
Bob N.

Offline Special Ed

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2004, 12:20:25 PM »
BUT.......I'm thrilled.....its obvious to me that this gun is coing to extend my hunting life......

Thats great!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:  :grin:  :grin: Enjoy & Good hunting!

Offline mdc1

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2004, 12:56:28 AM »
I've topped both of my deer barrels (.44mag & 7-30 waters) with Bushnell Holo-sites and have been very happy with them.  It's another option to consider, they're very easy to look through as there's no tube, just a screen.  I don't use any magification, but they're available in 2x.  Shot many deer with both barrels and have never had a problem.  I had my .44 mag barrel mag-na-ported and it noticably reduced the recoil over my buddy's identical barrel.  Good luck to you.
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Offline WisconsinHunter

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Holo Sites
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2004, 01:41:11 AM »
Thanks for the info.   I checked out the HOLO Scopes online....those puppies arent cheap but I like the way they mount on the gun.
     I'm still working trying to be consistent with thsi 44 mag. Although almost any shot I've taken at a paper target would be considered a kill shot, I'm not grouping them the way I would like.
     I guess recoil is subjective but I find the recoil on the 44 mag to be significant if your gong to shoot a lot or rounds at a target just for the fun of it .....Once I have a gun sighted in I pretty much just shoot to hunt.  I'm not much of a collector of guns..... whatever guns I have are used to hunt .
     I am very interested in the HOLO Scope in a 2X......I'm gonna look into that.........
Bob N.

Offline mdc1

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2004, 01:56:16 AM »
I had a S&W mod. 29 once that would not group 240 gr. bullets to save my life.  I found that going lighter in bullet weight really improved the groups and ended up settling on 200 grs.  My contender likes 240 gr. bullets just fine though.  I reload and have found that the bullet weight selection has more effect on group size than any other variable.  Where I hunt, a 100yd. shot is "long range" so the zero magnification holo-site works well for me.  I can't attest to the 2x model.  You're right, they're not cheap, but I don't think I would use anything else on a short range deer barrel.
Good luck in your search.
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Offline bgjohn

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Re: .44 mag contender
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2004, 08:29:25 AM »
Quote from: palgeno
Man!!! I must be running low on caffiene----forgot to add----I think .44mag is more useful in a revolver and would work well with a red dot----I have a revolver set up that way and it is great for fast acquisition of the target. Parallax is set on 50 yds on most brands----just right for .44mag ranges ----on a Contender a scope is usually better, but try it!-- especially if you get a trade for something you can use for something you cannot use. If you drift toward .308, you are now looking at an Encore.The range capability  of the .308 would be wasted with a red dot. pg

An Aimpoint is parallax free. :-)
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Offline WisconsinHunter

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Holo Sights
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2004, 04:40:25 AM »
One of the things I think we should mention here.....and I only found this out after looking into the Holo sights (Which I am definetly going to get) is that the name itself describes it.  HOLO  for holographic. I projects the image out to 50 yards. I'm speaking of the round circile with the 1 MOA dot in the center of it .....One would think that would make the scope a bit more efficient then a normal red dot.
      So , because of all you guys, I intend to pick up a Thompson Encore in 308 Win. and have a Holo Sight mounted on it .......I think I read somewhere that they have to use a Bushnell Bore Sighter to bore sight one of those.....just something I read.
     A question I have now is .......are they easy to dial in ?
Bob N.

Offline bgjohn

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2004, 05:39:18 AM »
I had an ATN Ultrasight. I found that it wasn't useful against a bright background. It disappeared. That's not good here in Arizona where it usually is bright. I've found red dots sights much more useful. Pay your money and take your chance.
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Offline mdc1

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Thompson or not ?
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2004, 11:22:29 PM »
I couldn't use my Tasco bore sighter on mine.  I had to do it the old fashioned way - start close to the target and back up.  It's been several years since I put them on, but I don't recall having any particular problems with sighting in.  I've also never had a problem in sunshine, but you have to remember to adjust the brightness as daylight breaks and again as darkness falls.  Again, good luck and I hope you're happy with your purchase.
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Offline rocky_taco

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« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2004, 05:23:27 PM »
You might want to try an eotech scope.  I switched from a red dot and like the eotech much better.