I think there are pros and cons to feeding (or baiting) everywhere. In defense of us folks out here in West Texas. It has been at least five years since we have any real measureable amount of rainfall. Farmers are having problems raising food (wheat, etc.) ranchers are selling cattle because they can not raise food and it is too expensive to buy. Game animals are really hurting in some areas. There is not enough food to survive on. So they move to other areas, over graze, and just increase the amount of area that will not support hoved animals. The true sportsmen here have spent thousands of dollars each year to feed the deeer, turkey, quail and all of the other varmits that eat our grain. I have noticed, game tends to come to feeders when there is nothing else to eat, but if there is winter wheat, plenty of acorns and natural grasses you don't see as many at the feeders. I feed year around, it cost me quite a bit to keep two 55 gal drums full. I use a electronic timer that feed for 20 seconds twice a day. It ain't much, but the corn and Deer and Game Feed mixture provides enought to help them survive. That's what's important, at least from my point of view.