Some of you know I am a firm believer in Deer Lures. Well, I layed a scent trail to my stand the other day & also about 10 yards past a string of 3 scrapes. About 45 min. b/4 shooting time was up I had a Doe with 2 yearlings come past the scrapes & the old Doe followed the trail right to me-I let her pass. Then I had a nice 6 & real nice 8 pick up the other scent trail & the 8 came within 20 yards-nose down on the trail all the way. I am holding out for a couple real big boys I have seen so they passed. All actually ended up feeding about 100 yards from my stand but I could have had two very good shots-1 Doe, 15 yds. & 1 Buck @ 20.
I used Buck Stops Matrics to lay these trails. Will go to the Doe in Heat from now on. I have never had a Deer Spook from these lures but I have had Deer spook-even explode getting away from fox, skunk & apple lure when I have tried them in the past.. I "DO NOT" use any of these. Good luck to all that still have those tags unfilled.