Author Topic: Bellm re chambers  (Read 1970 times)

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Offline thomas

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Bellm re chambers
« on: January 24, 2003, 04:26:09 PM »
What is the value of a 3030 factory barrel re chambered by bellm.
one is for sale at a local gun shop asking $220.00
Some say the re chamber is worth less than a untouched factory barrel.
the caliber stamped on the barrel is 308 bellm
is it normal to restamp the barrel so unsightly?

Offline ME

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308 Bellm value
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2003, 05:09:02 PM »
Thomas I have a SS 308 Bellm and it is extremely accurate. I dont know what some say about a bellm rechamber but I will guarantee it would be one of the most accurate barrels you will shoot.  You did not say wether it is Blue or SS.  I would be interested in it if it is SS. Not for 220 but I would like to talk to the propriater. thanks
Imagine that

Offline Gregory

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2003, 06:07:55 PM »

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Offline Jay HHI6818

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2003, 02:30:19 AM »
I saw a Bellm 44mag rechambered to 444 Marlin at a gun shop yesterday. Stainless 14 inch,muzzle tamer,six screw weaver base for $175.

Offline bsekf

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2003, 03:33:57 AM »
I think Mike charges about $75 for a rechamber.  That price might be a little high, unless it has a Bellm custom crown too.  It should duplicate the 309 JDJ or 30 Alaskan and you don't have to spend 100 bucks for a custom sizing die.

Offline Greyfox

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2003, 04:29:54 AM »
The beauty of the 308 Bellm, as one poster mentioned is the fact that you don't have to buy expensive custome dies for it. I have a 14" 308 Bellm with Mike's machined-in brake. It is pleasant to shoot (with hearing protection) and will shoot sub moa with several loads. I suspect it will do 1/2" if I can find the best load for it, but I have used it for deer hunting so better than moa isn't necessary.

You can generally get a 14" 30-30 (if you're patient) for $125-130. Add to that shipping and $75 for a re-chamber and you pretty close to the $225. Will it shoot?....probably. Is it as accurate as an SSK? or a VVCG...probably. Cost wise, the disadvantage could be that you may not be able to sell it again for what you have in it, especially after you add sales tax to the purchase price. But if you're looking for a shooter, that will be inexspensive for dies you may have found it.  You sure won't buy an SSK for that very often.


Offline SD Handgunner

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2003, 09:57:19 PM »
I picked up an older Super 14 Blued .30 Herrett Barrel (6 Land & Groove, 1 in 14" rifling) in late November for $130.00 with a Weaver Scope Base on it (but no sights). I sent it off to SSK Industries to be rechambered to .30-30 Ackley Improved. The rechamber with return shipping cost me $86.00, and the shipping to SSK cost another $10.00. I now have a $226.00 in this barrel. I have not had the opportunity to wring it out yet, but the few .30-30 Loads I fired just to see how they formed looked quite good (no buldges or nices on the fired brass, and the dimensions seem like it is a tight chamber).

Yep I could have gotten a .30-30 Ackley Improved Fox Ridge Outfitters Custom Shop Barrel for about the same money, but decided to go this route to get the prefered Rifling, and a Custom Rechamber Job.

T/C Handguns, one good shot for your moment of truth !

Offline thomas

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but is the price of a re chamber worth it?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2003, 07:12:04 AM »
As I have heard GB say if the barrel won't shoot in factory trim then it won't shoot with a re chamber. The price for a NEW custom barrel being around $250.00 from Van Horn and the New guy MBCMO  then how is a re chamber worth the price?
If I can get a NEW barrel with a shelien blank  for $250.0 -$260.00 and it is a custom deal then I see no reason for a re chamber.
This has been my findings

Offline Greyfox

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2003, 09:28:44 AM »
I for one won't question your conclusions. If you feel it's a better to spend
your money on a new custom barrel over a rechamber, it's your money. Most of the feeback I've heard about DVH's barrel have been positive. MBMCo's are as yet untried.

However, I'll disagree with your opening line.

You said "As I have heard GB say if the barrel won't shoot in factory trim then it won't shoot with a re chamber". This is not necessarily correct.

I have a 14" 22 Mag barrel that was rechambered from a 22LR. This barrel was mediocre at best as a 22LR. It is <very> accurate as a 22Mag. Also, I have a 14" 223 that was good for a 3"-4" group at best @ 100 yards. After an inexpensive throat lengthening which made it a 223x1.85, it is easily the most accurate barrel I own and will regularly shoot .5" & under groups now. This rechamber cost me $35.  I have less than $200 ea invested in these barrels and they will both outshoot several expensive custom barrels that I own. But, in the end, you pays your money and you takes your chances.


Offline thomas

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you may be right
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2003, 10:12:57 AM »
with some points BUT most good used barrel even on this forum are going for $175.00 MIN
Now add to that the normal price of 55-75.00 for a re chamber
we are at $240.00-250.00 and thier will be shipping of what about 20.00 round trip?
So if you can just purchase a NEW barrel for that then No rechamber is worth it to me.
and as for accuracy have you seen GB test on his re chamber to a 358 bellm?
And how about the average of a 9 month wait some times longer for a re chamber?
Money ahead with a NEW custom barrel
Most here have claimed No better Accuracy with a re chamber
So like you say you pays your monies and take some Big Chances on it shootin better. And can you deal with a 9 month wait?
I wont

 This is not necessarily correct you stated about accuracy? Yes Sometimes maybe it is better but sometimes it is worse according to some stories.  


Offline Greyfox

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2003, 04:43:31 PM »
I'll agree that it would probably be non-productive to spend $250 for most rechambered barrels. However, I have not paid more than $150 for any used barrel yet......(well, one exception, a Bullberry 22-250imp 22" with a machined in brake). It's not too difficult to pick up a 30-30 for $100-125. Same with 223 barrels and 35 Rems don't generally go too high. You just have to ignore the wet-brains that think their used "whatever" is worth more than a new patient.

As far as a nine month wait....DVH told me he usually gets a rechamber turned around within 10 days. VVCG says about the same and so does SSK.

I have no problem with your decision, like I said, it's your money. But by the time you pay for shipping and the price of the barrel you'll have nearer $300 in even a low end custom barrel and much more from some of the custom barrel makers. And a long wait isn't uncommon. Just be sure you make the right comparisons and know what you're spending and what you're getting.


Offline Paladin

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2003, 04:51:47 PM »
I'll side with Grayfox, the barrel makers garantee their barrels. I don't see a rechamber being garanteed

Offline helobill

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2003, 05:20:02 PM »
Sure, most folks guarantee their barrels not to blow up if you stay within maximum pressures...and you can prove you did.  VVCG even guarantees their barrels will shoot MOA. And IF you follow their procedures for break-in and cleaning, and IF you've reloaded to find the best round for your barrel and STILL can't get it to shoot MOA, you can send it to them. They'll do the same thing they told you to do, spend a couple months figuring out what load it WILL shoot MOA with and then tell you that the barrel is fine and you owe them a bunch of money for developing your load for you. Okay, so I was on a soapbox. I own a .30 Bellm made from a VVCG Shilen blank and it does shoot sub-MOA, don't care if it's guaranteed 'cause all I did was buy the barrel and ammo from CNC and it shot 3 shot groups in one ragged hole and I'm happy. $225 is too much for a used barrel unless you REALLY want it NOW and don't want to wait. check the boards, there was a 308 Bellm in either the trading or classified section. Also you can check Mike Bellm's web site and see if he has any ready for retail (I went through CNC because they had them in stock).
Helicopter Bill

Offline Sharps-Nut

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« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2003, 09:48:37 AM »
I have been reading with great interest the rechamber post, many thing that I had not considered were covered here. I have one question and it's probably a domb one.  Are these barrel rechamber and custom barrel for encores or contenders?  I heard 308 mentioned and others that I thought out classed the original design parameters as far as factory chamberings went.  Now don't mistake this as someone being a wise ass, because I am interested in  what was being said.  Is it ok to rechamber a 30-30 barrel to 308 for the contender?   What loading data is used?  How much is to much barrel for the contender frame, cup or psi wise?    Help educate me so I don't buy something that is a glorified pipe bomb with pistol grip.

Offline John Traveler

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Contender Barrel Re-Chamber
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2003, 09:58:25 AM »
Sharps Nut, and others:

As soon as I find the pictures and how to upload it here, I want to share with you a documented blowup of a Contender rechambered from .44 Rem Magum to .444 Remington.  It was SPECTACULAR!  As far as the shooter could determine, it was due to a barrel rupture starting at the factory-drilled scope base screw holes. Heavy (but otherwise safe) reloads were used.  You will find that many gunsmiths refuse to do that particular rechamber job.

As for rechambering a Contender .30-30 Winchester barrel to .308 Winchester, all I can say is WH Isn't the TC barrel available as factory standard in .308 Winchester?  

The answer is simple:  TC does not recommend it!
John Traveler

Offline Greyfox

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2003, 12:25:21 PM »

Good question. Generally speaking, no reputable gunsmith would rechamber a 30-30 to a 308 Win. But.....there are other .308 cartridges that are safe for Contenders. It has more to do with chamber pressure
than bore diameter. The 300 Savage is considered safe, I believe. The 309 JDJ is safe as is the 308 Bellm and several others. Most 'smiths who rechamber Contenders will know what is safe and what isn't. You won't go wrong if you use SSK, Dan Van Horn, Virgin Valley, Bullberry or Mike Bellm. Most of the folks who frequent here know what is safe as well. If you have a question about a specific chambering, just ask.

However, if you only chose chamberings available from TC Arms, you'd really limit your choices. Go to the VVCG and Bullberry websites and look at all the available chamberings. ......lots of safe choices


Offline helobill

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2003, 07:07:50 AM »
John T - that picture has been around and around. The guy that blew it up refused to send the ammo he used in to be tested (to see if it was the barrel or the load that caused the problem) and claimed it was factory ammo.  The pictures are at
Mike Bellm did the rechamber and has answered to this guys comments a number of times. IMHO Mike has the high road on this one. His reply to the latest question is still available on the Accurate Reloading forums under the topic of "Mike Bellm - did you know" It's long so I won't quote it here, but I suggest you read it. His web site has a section on 30-30 rechamber options, as do a number of other sites.
Helicopter Bill

Offline thomas

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Heloo Bill
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2003, 02:22:03 PM »
not sure about your report on this. That is Bellm story not the customers story. The blown up 444 is not the only one that has blown.
I just feel that telling Bellms story for him does not do much for most.
Two sides for every story.
Thier are many stories floating around about some gun smiths
unless you know first hand the story is hear say.

Offline helobill

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Bellm re chambers
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2003, 05:00:08 PM »
So go ask Ralph for Marvin's address and get it first hand. The very short paragraph that accompanies the pictures is second hand info also. I was only trying to answer the question as to where the pictures were and add extra info that has been posted by one of the two parties involved. Bellm has posted about this, Marvin hasn't. Get tired of seeing pictures from '97. As for others that you make reference to, I haven't seen any, but if you know where there are some I'd like to know. I'm considering rechambering a 32-20 to .30 Bellm.  

I own a .30 Bellm, it's not a rechamber so I guess I can't speak about his rechambers, but my barrel is excellent.