The odds of this happening by chance have to be astronomical! Do you by chance have a grip like a gorilla? Maybe you are holding those guns so tight they can't move under recoil so all of the force is going into other areas?
i wish. but no, i hold it nice and soft, very relaxed. once i squeeze the trigger i let it buck. Your problem sounds to me like the housings have worked loose, and have sheared the screws from repeated firing. It sounds like a case of a steady diet of hot loads. The Rugers can handle fairly stout loads, but after a while it'll take it's toll on them.
no. maybe 25 were nosler 240 gr. soft points with 22.5 gr. h110.
the rest were 310 grain cast rnfp over 7 grains unique. not hot by any means. all very good thoughts, guys. i appreciate you all taking the time to think this over. i have gone over the same ideas put forth here. i just cant believe three in a row. with the random aquisition and all things considered, it is really quite amazing. maybe they just arent as strong as they are reputed to be. if true, this is very sad. i really hope it is a giant fluke. but, if something this astronomical is going to happen to me, why couldnt it be winning the lottery? yeah, i know i should just be happy a shark didnt eat me, or a bear for that matter.
you know me, if i aint complaining, i aint happy.
if ya think of anything else, post up. you can bet i that i will follow this up with details when i get them. i have confidence ruger will square up; but if i have one more problem i swear they are all going down the road and freedom arms will be making me the next one.
anyone want to buy a blackhawk? :-D